Chapter 6

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The party is in full swing and i am taking a break from beer pong while Scott is dragged off to sing karaoke... I have to admit i am having fun but staying clear from Chris who has his eyes glued on me... Scott and Seb had introduced me to some people they knew from filming or whatever and they were all really nice... Nicer than i expected... Still the house was incredibly crowded and i knew for sure there were people no one knew... Seb was surrounded by girls loving the attention... 

I smile watching Scott making an absolute fool out of himself singing i will survive... I have to admit i have drank a bit more than i planned but i am feeling good and still in control... I think... right... Yes i am in control...

"Having fun...?" I hear and Chris appears beside me and i take a deep breath before i look up at him and smile... "Who cannot have fun watching that..." I say a little bit slurring my speech and Chris chuckles... "Yeah i guess so..." He says and i nudge him... "What is wrong?" I ask him and he smiles... "I have to admit i am a bit jealous of my brother..." He says peeling at the label of his beer... "Why?" I ask and he blushes... 

"He has spent the whole night with you..." Chris says but he keeps looking forward and i sigh... "You could always play against us..." I mumble and he scoffs and turns to me... "Or we could have a little private game.... Beer pong one on one..." He says putting a strain of hair behind my ear making me shiver and i turn to him making it, so we are now facing each other... He towers over me, and all my senses get flooded by him and it is like the alcohol hits me harder as i can't think straight anymore... "Was that really the game you had in mind..." I whisper looking up at him and he takes in a sharp breath cursing under his breath... 

I feel a hand glide around my waist, and he pulls me against him hovering his lips over mine... His warm muscular body pressed against mine sets my body on fire and I close my eyes waiting for him to kiss me... "Neve! Come on... We are up..." Scott yells and Chris and i quickly pull apart both of us blushing... "I am going to kill him..." Chris mutters and i giggle... "Come on Chris find someone and play against us!" Scott yells and i chuckle walking off swaying my hips a little more than usual... 

"Are you ready!" Scott says hyping me up... "We can't lose to Chris!" He says and i smirk... "Dont worry... We won't... I got this..." I say and he looks at me a little confused. Chris appears with Seb and i smirk because Seb is drunk... Really drunk...  "Ladies first..." Chris says and Seb protests... But Chris insists... I aim and the ball goes into the cup and Chris groans but drinks and i smirk... It is now his turn, and he makes a big show of it and just as he is about to throw i turn around asking Scott if there is a stain on my ass this distracts Chris, and he misses and i smirk and Scott drunk and oblivious just answers no to the stain question...

Chris squints at me and i chuckle... It is Scott his turn and he misses and i shake him... "You told me we should win!" I say and he protests... It is Seb his turn and he misses to by a mile and i grin. I throw again hitting the ball nicely in one of the cups and i do a little happy dance and Chris watches me intently... "I think i might let you win if that makes you move like that..." He says grinning and i smirk... "Dont you dare Evans... Just play... I am going to beat you fair and square..." I say and he laughs... "You probably are going to win... But there is nothing fair about what you just did..." He says and i smirk... "I have no idea what you are talking about..." I say pouting and he chuckles... 

He concentrates again and i push my boobs up and lean over the table a bit... But the ball goes in anyway... "Showing off for nothing..." He says and i laugh... I drink the beer and Scott has his turn hitting one of the cups and Seb has to drink... Then it is Seb his turn and Chris groans as Seb misses again and winks at me without Chris knowing and i realize he is playing drunker than he is... "Seb!!" Chris groans and i laugh... 

We go on and on and eventually Scott and i win and we hug jumping up and down... I walk over to Chris and stick out my hand... "Good game Evans..." I say smirking and he shakes my hand shaking his head... "You play dirty..." He says and i chuckle... "Dont tell me you are disappointed... You got a nice show out of it..." I say and he chuckles... "That i did..." He says his eyes going dark and his voice low as he keeps holding my hand... "Oh and if you think this is dirty..." I say winking and i walk off to get myself another drink... 

When i get back Chris is gone and i can't help but be a bit disappointed but i guess he is being dragged off by some other guest and i join Scott in his conversation with Tara who i got introduced to earlier and we really clicked... "Chris never loses..." She says laughing and i grin shrugging my shoulders... "First time for everything..." I mumble looking around and Tara noticed... "He got dragged of to be introduced to someone..." She says smiling and i looked at her confused... "I have no idea what you are talking about..." I mumble and she laughs shaking her head and walking over to someone calling out for her... 

"Can you hold my drink... I need to pee..." I say handing Scott my drink and he nods. I walk off and turn the corner and freeze on the spot as i see Chris with some blond stuck to his face as they are kissing... "Well, so much for being serious... But i guess you proofed something..." I said and Chris pushes the girl away... "Neve..." He says turning bright red and i shake my head... "It is not what it looks like..." He says stepping closer to me and i take a deep breath and a step back to stay calm as the alcohol in my system makes it difficult... Because all sorts of emotions flood my system...

"Dont worry Chris you dont owe me an explanation... I just have to thank you for stopping me from making the biggest mistake of my life... I must say you almost had me fooled I fell for it all... Got to admit dinner with your mother was a nice touch..." I say and turn around and walk back into the party...  

I make my way through the crowd, and it is getting to me as panic and anxiety sets in... The crowd feels suffocating... I get to Scott take my drink slam it back and decide i need to get out of here... "What is wrong with you?" Scott asks me and i give him a death stare... 

"What is wrong with me...! The only thing wrong with me is that i almost fell for the act you all played..." I snap at him and i can feel Chris behind me and i shake my head... "Neve... Please..." He says and i close my eyes taking another breath because i am not going to break down in front of all this people and the Evans brothers... "What is going on?" Scott yells looking over me at Chris and i just scoff and everything gets hazy, and the crowd gets like 10 times louder making me panic and I want to get out of here but i realize i am stuck... 

"I should have booked that fucking hotel room..." I mumble looking at Seb but i realize that even if he was sober enough to be there for me i am mad at him to for getting me here... But most of all i am mad at myself for allowing Chris to get to me... I just push past Chris and walk to the bedroom closing the door behind me and taking a deep breath as i sink down against the door... 

"He is not worth your tears... He is not worth your tears..." I keep mumbling over and over again... "Neve?" A voice on the other side of the door says and i sigh as it is Scott... "Leave me alone... I am going to bed..." I say and he doesn't answer and doesn't move... Only after a few minutes i hear him leave...

I sigh and get up... I dont want to be here anymore but i have no choice... I have nowhere to go... I look at the bed and just take off my clothes and put on the shorts and shirt i had brought with me and get into the bed... "Neve..." I hear this time it is Chris but i dont answer and he can't open the door because i locked it not caring that Seb can't get in later... He can sleep on the couch for all i care...

"Neve please let me in..." I hear Chris say again but i dont answer... He rattles with the door but i dont react he is not getting in... I dont want him to... I dont want to give him the chance to charm himself out of this... I feel so stupid... So fucking stupid... I can't believe that for a moment i believed that he really could be serious... That him watching me the whole night instead of the easy groupies meant he really was serious... I close my eyes as a tear rolls over my cheek and i just want to sleep... The only thing i am thankful for is that i found out before i went too far... How could i be so stupid and fall for this...

"Neve!" He says now a bit more forceful... "Please..." He says and i hear a thud as if he slams his head against the door but i dont care... I really dont care... "I dodged a bullet..." I mumble to myself and i start crying... I am just a plaything to him... I feel my eyes get heavy as the alcohol takes over and i dont know how long it took but i drift off to sleep... 

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