Chapter 10

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"Dont ever do that again...!" Seb screams storming into my bedroom and i just stare at him... Just a blank stare not saying a word... "You had me freaking out... I was fucking worried that something happened to you." He says still loudly but not yelling anymore... I let him rage on for a minute until he has it out of his system and while breathing heavy, he finally goes quiet...

"Are you done..." Is all i say and he looks at me surprised. "Yeah..." He says and lets out a big sigh and putting his hands on his hips... "Good than you can leave now..." I say and he looks at me as if i have just slapped him in the face... I never ever have told him to leave... Whatever happened between us we always just talked it out... "Leave?" He says softly and i nod... "Yes... Leave..." I say loudly. 

"No!" He says and i look at him... "No?" I say and he nods... "I am not leaving... We are going to talk about it..." He says and i roll my eyes... "Fine... Let's talk about it..." I say feeling the anger rise again... 

"Let's talk about the fact that you lied to get me to Boston.... Let's talk about the fact that you and Scott kept pushing Chris and i together even after i said i rather sticked with you or Scott... Or... The fact that you tricked me into a dinner with their mother... Then at the party you got so drunk that you were in no state to have my back like you promised... You never noticed i had gone to the bedroom... You only noticed after i had left the house..." I spat at him with venom in my voice... Seb looks away as he turns bright red. 

"Have you got any idea how i feel right now... I feel like you were trying to pimp me out... I feel stupid for falling for it all... I am so fucking ashamed... I feel like the butt of the joke... Tell me... Did you guys have a good laugh at my expense... Oh poor little Neve... She absolutely fell for it... Can't believe she really believed that i was serious about her... I know you should have seen her face..." I yell at him, and he looks at me shocked. "What NO!" He yells back... "I chewed him out! I punched him in the face... He walks around with this massive black eye..." He yells and i look at him stunned...

"You did what?" I say softly sitting down on the bed again a little shocked... Seb is someone who never choses violence... He is the sweetest and sometimes he is too soft... Seb sighs and sits down next to me... "Neve... I admit... We pushed a little... He begged me to get you there... He wanted to get to know you better... He said he really liked you and well Scott and i liked the idea of you two together... We thought you guys would hit it off..." He says and i sigh and i finally give in and lay my head on his shoulder... "The dinner with his mother was set up by her... She wanted to see me and meet you..." Seb whispered and i sighed... 

"You really punched him...?" I whispered... "I really did..." He whispers and i sigh... "I just feel so stupid..." I mumble and Seb sighs putting his arm around me and i can feel tears coming and he kisses the top of my head... "If it helps... The girl cornered him when he came out of the bathroom and kissed him... He pushed her away..." Seb whispers and i scoff... "Yeah, he looked really disappointed to have her tongue down his throat and his hands on her hips..." I mumble and Seb sighs... 

"Neve... He..." Seb starts to say but i cut him off... "I saw what i saw Seb... He didn't seem to mind until he noticed i was there..." I mumble and Seb sighs... "Neve..." He started again but i shook my head... "I just want to forget Seb... I know he is your friend but please i just want to forget the last 48 hours..." I mumble and Seb hugs me a little tighter... "Okay..." He says and i wipe away a tear... "I am sorry if you got hurt..." He whispers and i sigh... "It is not all your fault... I was stupid for getting caught up in the moment... I should have kept a level head and not drank so much..." I mumble and i close my eyes trying to stop the tears... 

"Are we good?" He whispers after we sit in silence for a while and i sigh... "We will be... but..." I say but he chuckles cutting me off... "Let me guess... It will cost me..." He whispers and i giggle... I sigh as he kisses the top of my head again... I never can stay mad at him for long... Like Meredith Grey would say... He is my person no matter what... "Just dont lie to me again..." I mumble and he nods... "I promise... And i will stay out of your love life..." He murmurs... "Good..." I mumble back and yawn...  

"What is for breakfast tomorrow morning..." I mumble and he chuckles... "How about eggs and bacon..." He says and i groan... "How about waffles..." I say smirking and he chuckles again... "Fine... Waffles it is..." He says and i smirk... 

Seb his phone buzzes and he pulls it out his pocket and sighs as he looks at the screen... I look up and see Chris his name and he declines... "You can talk to him... He is still your friend... Just keep me out of it... I will be cordial when we are in the same room i promise but that is it... Him and i will never happen..." I say and he nods... "I just need a little time to get past the shame at my own stupidity..." I mumble and he nods again as his phone buzzes again... He stands up and walks out of my room answering the phone and let myself fall backwards staring at the ceiling again and i have a good cry...

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