Chapter 56

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I had woken up in a great mood... Today i was going to sign the papers and the house would be mine... I get dressed eat something light for breakfast and tea instead of coffee... God i missed coffee already... One cup a day was ridiculous but anything for my little bean... 

I get showered and dressed and grab my stuff and drive to the diner... I was early but i wanted to talk with Dotty for a little bit... I park my car and greet some of the locals smiling and walk inside... Dotty looks up and smiles at me and i wave as she is talking to another customer and i sit down at the counter on my regular spot... 

"Good morning sweetheart..." She said coming over to me when she was done with the other customer and i smiled. "Good morning..." I said smiling back at her and she looked a little surprised by my good mood. "How are you doing today?" She asked... "I am doing great..." I say and she looks at me even more confused as i had been a Debby downer the last few days... I chuckle and smirk at her... "I have a question..." I say and Dotty nods... "What is it...?" She said a little unsure and i took a deep breath... 

"Do you know any good contractors in town?" I ask and she looks at me with confusion on her face... "I do..." She says and i chuckle... "Why do you need a contractor though?" She asks and  i chuckle... "Because in about an hour i will be the proud owner of the house for sale... When you drive up to the place i am staying at now and go right instead of left at the crossing..." I say and Dotty's eyes grow wide, and a big smile appears on her face... 

"Old man King's place?" She asked and i shrugged my shoulder... "All i know is that the owner died, and his daughter is selling the place..." I say and she smiles... "Yeah that is Old man King's place..." She said and walked around the counter and pulled me into a bear hug... "You are staying?" She asked as she pulls back and looks at me... I nodded... "Oh that is wonderful... You will love it here... God i got to call my son..." She says and i look at her confused and shocked... She seems to notice and chuckles... "He is a contractor sweetheart..." She says and i blush... "Dont worry he is happily married..." She says grinning and i blush even harder... 

She walks off and i hear the door and look up and see the real estate agent walks in... I wave him over and when Dotty comes back, she gives him a cup of coffee... "Are you ready to become a homeowner?" He asks and i chuckle... "Yes..." I say smiling and he hands me the papers and we go over them... I sign at the bottom... It feels amazing... A fresh start for me and my little bean... I call my accountant to transfer the money... Dotty is doing a little happy dance and squeals...

"This calls for cake!" She says and i laugh... The real estate agent leaves and i smile looking at the papers... "Do you have time to wait for about an hour?" Dotty asks and i nod... "Good... My son will be here, and you guys can discuss business..." She says and i smile... We eat cake and after about an hour Dotty's son arrives and Dotty introduces me... He has a friendly face and an infectious laugh... You could see the love mother and son had for each other and when i told him which house i had bought he got all excited... We agreed to meet at the house tomorrow so we could talk about what i wanted... He wanted to go today but i was so tired... So, after we talked for a bit and ate our cake i left to go back to the place i was renting... 

I took a nap and after i had woken up i made myself something to eat... I sigh as i hear my phone buzzing and check who it is... It is Chris and i dont know why but i answered... 

"Yes..." I said keeping my tone cold and distant... "Neve..." A tired sounding Chris said in shock... "Yes..." I said again and i could hear he was crying, and it annoyed me... "What do you want Chris..." I said surprisingly calm... "How are you..." He whispers... "I am fine..." I say but in my head i am screaming... Screaming that i am not fine, pregnant and although i made some major life changes i am scared... This is the chance to tell him but to my surprise i dont... I can't bring myself to it... 

"Neve i... I miss you..." He says and i sigh... "Why? Has your little girlfriend left... Well i wouldn't worry about that... You have a new one in no time..." I say and i can hear him sob... "I dont want anyone else... I want you... I love you..." He whispers softly sobbing... I swallow hard as i have to admit it does something to me but i keep seeing the picture of him kissing that woman... 

"Why? I am obviously not good enough... I mean it took you 3 weeks to slowly start to shut me out... It took you 3 weeks to cheat on me... That is not love Chris... Please i need you to let me go... I am moving on... I am starting a new chapter in my life... I am going to have a fresh start... In a new place... I am not going back to New York..." I say and Chris is now fully sobbing... "No please... Please come back so that we can work it out... I'll do anything you want..." He begs me and i sigh. "I am not giving up on us... Even if i have to fight for the both of us..." He sobs and i sigh... "Goodbye Chris..." I whisper and hang up the phone... 

I throw my phone through the room and start to cry... Picking up was a mistake....

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