Chapter 49

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I am home... Alone... The week went by way to quick... The week had been heaven I had met his sisters and the little ones... It was so much fun... Chris had taken me out on a date and the rest of the time was basically spend tangled up in each other... Fucking each other's brains out enjoying every second we had together before he would leave...

Before i knew it was time to say goodbye and i took it way harder than i thought i would... I had dropped Chris off at the airport and drove myself home crying like some maniac. We couldn't even have a proper goodbye because there were paparazzi everywhere...

Chris being gone meant that Seb was gone to... Scott was at work and the house was too quiet... I had become accustomed to having someone around and this someone being Chris... But i was thankful for being alone for a bit because i was feeling miserable... I had just thrown my suitcase in the corner not bothering to unpack yet and crawled into bed feeling sorry for myself... I never thought i was going to be the girl who would cry for feeling alone... Normally i loved being alone... I put my phone on the charger making sure that the ringtone was on so i wouldn't miss Chris his call... He had promised to call me a soon as he had landed...

We had talked a lot and Chris promised to call when he could... We would video call and text... But i knew he was going to be busy and i didn't want him to call when he needed to rest... But he assured me that he was going to call every free minute he had...

I sigh and close my eyes crying myself to sleep... I wake up a few hours later by my phone ringing and i smile seeing Chris his goofy face in my screen... I answer the call and his face appears... "Hello love..." He says smiling sweetly at me and i smile back... "Hey how was your flight?" I ask and he smiles and nods... "It was fine... How was your drive...?" He said and i smiled... "Over in a flash i think people were thinking i had gone crazy because i was singing along with the music..." I lied as i didn't want him to know i had a complete mental breakdown in the car... He smiled and shook his head... "You look tired..." I whisper and he smirks... "Yeah... Well, someone kept me up last night..." He said smirking and i blushed... I didn't want him to sleep... I wanted to keep kissing him...

After talking for a while i tell him to go to sleep as he has to be up really early... He nods and after a few more minutes because neither one of us wanted to hang up we finally do... I sigh and groan throwing my phone on the end of the bed... "It is only a few months... You can do this..." I mumble to myself when my phone dings... I sit up and scramble grabbing it like some desperate teenager...

"Love... I know you are taking this harder than you would like to admit... I miss you like crazy, and all i want is to be with you... I love you so much... Please dont miss me too much... Do your own thing and have fun and before you know it i am back home... I love you and wish you were here... 😘💖"

I read the text over and over a smile on my face tears running down my cheek...

"Love you to... Miss you already the house is too quiet without you... I miss you sleeping next to me... The bed is too cold... I will try my best to do my own thing but for today i am going to sulk and feel sorry for myself... Can't wait for you to be back home... Love you 💖😘💖"

I text back and sigh... My phone dings again and it is a picture of Chris kissing the camera and i giggle... I dont respond as i know he will keep texting and he needs his rest this movie involves a lot of stunt work and i need him rested so he doesn't kill himself.

I decide to get out of bed and to write a little bit as i have done no such thing in the last week that i was in Boston... I just told myself i would write while Chris was filming i would have the house to myself during the day and it would be a good distraction...

The first few weeks went by quick... Chris calls every day and i love our little moments... He tells me stories from set but keeps the details vague to my frustration... He is having a good time and is smiling and happy and that makes me happy... I am making good progress on my book, and everything seems to be smooth sailing...

But the last few days he hasn't called every day... He doesn't text me as much and when he does it is short and i know it is ridiculous, but it feels standoff ish... When he does call, he sounds distracted and stressed... Were we normally have long calls now it is 5 minutes max... I know he has been busy, but he seems to have time to call Scott as Scott keeps telling me things Chris has told him on days, he has not called me... I can't shake the feeling something is off...

I am doing some research for my book when a notification shows up...

"Is Chris Evans finally off the market...?"

...Chris Evans and mystery woman spotted being very cozy out on the town during his stay in Atlanta while filming for Marvel...

My heart sinks when i click the article and photos of him and some girl show up... The are laughing and seem to be getting along great... She has her arm hooked in his... And there are a few photos of them hugging... All of a sudden it hits me like a ton of bricks... The reasons he has barely been texting or calling... He has someone else...

I close the laptop and stand up pacing up and down my office... I just can't believe it... My phone rings and i see Chris his face appear in the screen... I just look at it as it rings not knowing what to do or say... Will he be calling to tell me it is over... Will he make excuses... Tell me it is all bullshit... But then again, the not calling so much anymore but still calling Scott and apparently having time to go out... This must mean it is over... My phone stops ringing only to immediately start to ring again... I can't bring myself to pick up... I dont think i can handle it... My heart is already breaking... It is all over... I was just some distraction or maybe she fits his needs better... Maybe she is stronger to handle his world... Maybe i am just not good enough...

I sink to the floor crying dropping my phone to the ground as it keeps ringing... After crying for a while i hoist myself up and turn off my phone... I walk to my bed and crawl in not even bothering to change and i pull the blankets over me to lock myself away from the world as i can't stop crying... It is over... It is really over he has found someone new the proof is in the pictures... 

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