Chapter 22

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I wake up hearing the front door slamming shut and Scott giggling shushing himself... I dont have to see to know he is clearly drunk... I look at Chris who is sleeping next to me his arm laying over my waist... "Oops..." I hear and then a loud sound of something falling to the floor breaking... I sigh and crawl out the bed and go check on Scott... "Heeeey..." Scott says seeing me as he is holding himself up at the wall... He is sooo drunk... "I will pay for that..." He mumbles and i look at a broken vase on the ground... 

"Someone had fun..." I say ignoring the fact that he broke the vase my mom had made and never could be replaced... "Not as much fun as you had on your date with Josh..." He says grinning stumbling towards me and i cringe... He stumbles into my arms, but he falls over and i cannot hold him and lower him to the ground... "I am going to sleep for a little bit..." He mumbles laying in the middle of the hallway shards of the vase all around him and i sigh... I try to get him up keeping him awake but it is no use he is to heavy... "Nooo just let me sleep..." He whines and i sigh... "Scott a little help and i will help you get into bed..." I whisper and he whines again... 

"Scott!!" I say a little bit more forceful but nothing he is just mumbling incoherently... I sigh and stand up and i know i cant leave him lying there the broken vase around him could hurt him and i start to pick up the pieces putting them back on the table the vase stood on... I sigh and walk into my bedroom and for a moment i hesitate to wake Chris to help me but i dont want Scott sleeping in the hallway... 

"Chris..." I say shaking him softly and i hear Scott giggle again in the hallway... "What are you doing...!!" He yells to me and i groan... "Chris!" I say a little louder shaking him a little harder and he wakes up... "Huh... what... Something wrong...?" He says in a groggy sleepy sexy voice a little confused still half asleep... Just as i am about to say something Scott yells from the hallway again... "OMG he is here... Josh is here you little minx... God my brother will be so disappointed..." He yells and i cringe... "I hadn't seen him after so i haven't told him what happened between us..." I explain and Chris sits up cupping my face... "I know love..." He whispers and i sigh...

"He is really drunk has fallen down can't get up and i tried but he is too heavy for me... He will get hurt because he broke a vase... Can you please help me get him to bed..." I say and Chris chuckles and gets out of bed... 

"Someone had fun..." Chris says standing over Scott and Scott his eyes grow wide... "You're not Josh..." He mumbles his speech slurred... "You are my brother..." Scott says giggling... "Look Neve my brother is here...!" He says giggling and i groan slapping my hand over my face... "Why is my brother here...?" He mumbles more to himself than us... 

"Okay time for bed..." Chris says and leans down to pick Scott up... "You are not supposed to be here... I promised..." Scott says patting his cheek... "It is okay... We will explain after you have gotten some sleep and are sober enough..." Chris says and Scott giggles as Chris gets him on his feet... "I broke the thing..." He says to Chris as he points to the table and Chris sighs but says nothing and i point him to the bedroom that is Scott's for the time he is staying here... 

I get a bucket from the hallway closet and when i walk into the bedroom Chris is taking Scott his shoes and jacket off... "He is bleeding..." I say and Chris sighs... "Ill go get the first aid kit..." I mumble and put the bucket down next to the bed before walking off... "You need to go... Neve is going to be angry when she sees you here..." Scott says to Chris as i walk off and i giggle... 

I get the first aid kit in the kitchen and walk back and sit down next to Scott to attend the cut on his arm... "How did he manage to get home in this state..." I whisper looking up at Chris as Scott is finally out like a light... "No clue..." Chris mumbles as he watches me attend the cut and bandage it up... When i am done i put everything away and hand Chris the first aid kit before tucking Scott in and putting the bucket on the ground near the bed... 

I walk into the hallway and sigh picking up some more shards and Chris helps me... "I will make sure he replaces it..." Chris says looking guilty and i shake my head... "It is not something that can be replaced Chris... My mother made it... So..."  I say and Chris groans... "It is okay... It was an accident..." I mumble when i gathered it all and walk to the kitchen throwing it in the trash... 

"I am sorry love..." He whispers wrapping his arms around me hugging me from behind and i sigh... "Not your fault..." I mumble and close my eyes taking a deep breath enjoying the connection of his body wrapped around me... "Let's get back to bed..." I mumble and i let out a squeal when Chris lifts me up and while i am dangling in his arms he carries me back to my bedroom... I am giggling and letting out little squeals as he keeps pretending to drop me... 

He puts me down on the bed and i get under the sheets and he crawls in beside me pulling me into his arms... I start to giggle, and Chris looks at me confused... "Scott's face when he saw you..." I whisper and Chris grins and kisses me... "He is going to have such a hangover in the morning and a little warning he is not a happy one when hungover..." He says and i sigh... 

"We will deal with that in the morning..." I mumble and kiss him again and let my hands roam his body making him groan... I can feel his hand glide over my body, and he pulls me closer to him grinding into me and i let out a little moan making him smirk... He rolls us over so that he is now hovering over me and i smile... He lowers his body on top of mine and pushes my legs apart settling between them... He grinds into me and i moan as i can feel he is hard and i run my hands down his back and when i reach his boxers i push them down making him grin... He helps me get rid of them and then he removes my clothes.... 

"You are so beautiful..." He whispers when i lay naked underneath him and i blush... He leans down and kisses me and i gasp into the kiss arching my back of the bed into him as he slowly pushes inside of me... The delicious feeling of him stretching me makes me moan and he kisses me... He slowly starts to move and i wrap my legs around him pulling him closer and he smiles kissing me again... 

We keep moving slow... He keeps whispering sweet words in my ear and all i can do is moan and whimper as the familiar feeling starts to build... "Feels so good..." I moan barely getting it out and he smiles... "That is because you are made for me love..." He groans as he pushes into me again... I moan at his word and cling onto him as i am so close... "Fuck... Just like that... dont stop..." I whimper and he groans as i squeeze my walls around him hard and he lowers his head in my neck... "Fuck do that again..." He growls and i do and his body starts to tremble and after a few more sloppy thrusts we come together...

After coming down from our high he pulls out making me whine at the loss of contact and he chuckles... He lays down beside me and pulls me into him and kisses the top of my head... I sigh and he makes me look up at him... "What is wrong love..." He whispers pecking my lips and i blush... shaking my head... "Neve...? Tell me..." He whispers and i sigh... "We dont use protection..." I whisper so soft it is almost inaudible and he sighs... "You're not on birth control?" He asks and i look at him... "I am... But it is not like everything is 100% safe and then there are other things you use protection for..." I say turning bright red and he smiles... "I am clean love..." He mumbles and i blush burying my head in his chest feeling so awkward... "Sorry... I didn't mean to imply..." I mumble and he chuckles... 

"It is okay love... It is good to talk about these things... Granted maybe we should have talked about it before... But neither one of was really thinking straight the first time and well... I wasn't now either to be honest..." He says with a grin on his face and i chuckle... "When it comes to you i seem to throw all caution in the wind... " He mumbles and i sigh planting a soft kiss on his chest... "Ditto..." I mumble and i can feel him take in a sharp breath... 

"If you really want, we can use protection..." He mumbles and i sigh shrugging my shoulders... I want to say something but all of a sudden, we hear a loud noise coming from Scott's bedroom and i groan... "You stay here... I will deal with my idiot brother..." He mumbles getting out of bed and putting on his pants... "And here i was thinking you were the idiot brother..." I say smirking watching him and he laughs before walking off to see what the hell is going on with Scott...

About 20 minutes later he comes back and gets into bed again... "The idiot was getting up to go to the toilet..." He says rolling his eyes and i giggle... I wrap myself around Chris and plant another kiss on his chest before drifting off to sleep. 

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