Chapter 77

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"We have to pick a name love..." Chris whispers and i sigh looking at the little girl asleep in my arms... Chris wanted to put her down in the crib so i could get some sleep but i just couldn't let her go... Seeing our little girl made me so happy... "I just dont know..." I say tearing up... "Nothing i came up with fits her..." I say as tears now start to roll down my cheek...

"How about Sade... It means gift of love..." Chris says a little teary eyed and i look back at him a little shocked because it looks like he had given it some thought but never said anything... I look at the little girl in my arms... "Sade Evans..." I mumble and Chris takes in a sharp breath... "You want her to have my last name..." He whispers and i look up at him... "Of course... I know it is maybe old fashioned... But you are her father..." I whisper and he smiles and leans down kissing our little girls little head before he kisses me... 

"Sade..." I whisper again looking at the girl seeing if i think it fits and i start to smile... "It fits..." I whisper and i look up at Chris who smiles and kisses me again. "I love it..." I whisper and he smiles proudly... "Little Sade..." I whisper and Chris scoots back into the bed next to me... "Love you really should let me either hold her or put her in the crib so you can rest a little... I yawn and i know i should because i am fighting to keep my eyes open... "Okay..." I mumble and Chris takes her from me, but he doesn't move as he keeps her in his arms... I smile as he looks at her with nothing but love in his eyes... "She is really perfect... Just like her mom..." He whispers and i hum cuddling into him more as i feel sleep take over... 

I dont know how long i have slept when Chris gently wakes me up... "Sorry love... But our little girl is hungry..." He says almost apologetic... I hum and push myself up and take Sade from Chris and let her latch on... There is a knock on the door and the nurse walks in and smiles... "There are some people to see you..." She says and i smile... "Should i give you a minute so you can feed her...?" She asks and i nod... "Can you ask them if they dont mind waiting a half an hour or so..." I say and she smiles and nods... "Everything is going good?" She asks and i nod... "We have a name..." I say and Chris smiles nodding... "What is it...?" Elsie asks all excited and i look at Chris and nod... "Sade Dotty Evans..." He says and i look at him surprised and a little shocked but above all happy... 

"That is beautiful..." Elsie says and i smile... "Little Sade..." She whispers... as she looks at our little girl eating. "I will get the paperwork ready for you to sign..." She says and we thank her before she leaves... 

"Sade Dotty..." I say with a smile on my face running my finger over her little chubby cheek... "She looks like you..." Chris whispers and i chuckle... "She has your eyes..." I whisper and rest my head on Chris his shoulder but i can feel him grin... When i am done feeding and burping her Chris goes out into the waiting room to get the people that are here to visit... 

The door opens and Chris walks in followed by Dotty and Rose... I look at them both and smile before i start to tear up... "Oh she is so precious..." Dotty says and i smile and nod... "She is perfect..." I say letting out a little sob and Dotty hugs me kissing my cheek... "Hello momma..." She says and i chuckle... Rose greets me hugging me and they both look at the little girl who is almost asleep again in my arms... "What is her name..." Rose asks and i look at them smiling... 

"Sade Dotty Evans..." I whisper and Dotty looks at me stunned while Rose has the biggest smile on her face... "You named her after me..." Dotty asks looking at me and then at Chris... We both nod... "You were the one who was there for her, so it fits..." Chris says and she looks at him with tears in her eyes before she walks over to him pulling him into a bear hug almost squeezing the life out of him... Rose and i look at each other grinning... "Deep down you are a good boy aren't you..." She says patting his cheek as she finally released him... Rose and i chuckle as Chris turns bright red... 

"Did everything go okay?" Rose asks and i nod... "Yeah... Tiring and i am still a little emotional but everything went okay..." I whisper... "She is worth every bit of pain..." I whisper... "Did you faint...?" She asks Chris with a smirk on her face and i chuckle again... "Nooo..." He says smirking back at her... "Dammit... There goes my 20 bucks..." She mumbles and Chris looks at her stunned as Rose, Dotty and i chuckle... "You made a bet i would faint?" Chris says and Rose nods... "Oh yeah..." She says smiling proudly... "Who won...?" I ask and Rose points at Dotty... "You to Dotty?" Chris groans rolling his eyes and she blushes... "Hey at least i said you wouldn't..." She defends herself and Chris grins... "Okay that is fair..." He says... After 10 more minutes of marveling at the little girl in my arms Dotty and Rose left telling to call if we needed anything...

Chris takes Sade from me again as i am getting so tired and soon my eyes close as i faintly here Chris in the background talking to Sade... I smile at the name... for months i was convinced she was Pip... But as soon as i was going into labor i stared to doubt it... Sade was a much better fit... I absolutely loved the new name... Little Sade Dotty Evans... I repeat in my head with a smile on my face before i doze off to sleep...  

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