🙌Absolutely shitting my pants🙌

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I'm alive

3rd Person👍

"So where exactly does this go?" Koii sticks his head into the tunnel, trying to see the end of it.

"Well, that way goes to the...uh well what used to be the Castle...and the other way goes to the Casino.." Shy points towards the tracks and smiles, it took her a very long time to make these tunnels.

A long time being 3 very long months.

3 miserable months.

Shy looks over to Koii, Who is currently speaking about the tracks, His voice becomes muffled and the speaking in her mind gets louder.

ᖘꀎꌚꀍ ꀍꀤꎭ.....ᖘꀎ꒒꒒ ꍏꅐꍏꌩ....꓄ꋪꍏꀤꈤ....꓄ꋪꍏꀤꈤ....ꏳꀍꂦꂦ ꏳꀍꂦꂦ......꒒ꂦ꒒.....꓄ꋪꍏꀤꈤ ꓄ꋪꍏꀤꈤ.....ᖘꀎ꒒꒒ ꀘꂦꀤꀤ ꍏꅐꍏꌩ....


....꓄ꀍꏂꋪꏂꌚ ꍏ ꓄ꋪꍏꀤꈤ...

Shy quickly snaps out of it and grabs the back of Koiis coat, pulling him away from the tracks, Koii lands on the floor, "What the hell.." Before Koii can say anything else a train quickly pulls into the station.

Shy stares at the train and then looks at her hand...

The withering is getting worse.

Shy pulls something out of her pocket and slips it over her hand, "Sorry, I should've been paying attention-"

Koii stands up and dusts off his coat, "It's fine...." He walks over to Shy and throws an arm around Shy's shoulders, "Thanks for pulling me back, we should get outta here before I get hit by a train"

Koii laughs a little before walking towards the exit, "Where are you going?" He stops and turns to Shy

"We're going that way." Shy points to the tracks that lead to the Casino, "What."

"We're taking the train to the Casino..?" Shy looks at Koii in concern, "What are you like scared of trains or something?" Koii quickly raises his hands in defense

"No! I just haven't been on one before."

Shy grabs Koiis hand and walks over to the tracks, "We have to wait for the next one, this one goes to a different place." Shy peeks at their watch quickly and looks up at the train

"you can tell where it's going by the name of the next station showing up here" Shy points to a sign on the train, "That's really convenient."

"Yeah, it also shows the time that you will arrive at the next station...and..uh." Shy looks over to Koii to check if he's listening

Koii points at the rails, "How long did this take?" Shy smiles, "...About 3 months." She looks over at Koii, and Koii frowns.

"I was kidding, it took much longer....I started before any of that...about..." Shy thinks for a second, "one or two years ago.."

"What? really?" Shy nods, "It took long because I didn't have time to do it.." Shy smiles as a train arrives, "let's go.." Shy walks into the door of the train, practically dragging Koii

They stand in the train for about 5 minutes before the train doors close and it starts moving, "So...are you just gonna hold my hand the entire time..." Koii lifts their hands and Shy looks up at him

She smirks and leans against him, wrapping their hands around his arm. Shy smiles at him without saying anything, "I think I preferred you holding my hand..." Koii looks away and fidgets with the inside of his pocket

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