Chapter 8: Learning The Dance

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  Grim fidgeted with her hands as she impatiently waited on her Master. Obi-Wan had promised he would spar with her today. "Urgh, come on and hurry. I'm anxious to practice my lightsaber skills," the Padawan grumbled to nobody.

"You should also practice your patience," came Obi-Wan's voice from behind.

She jumped a little before turning around to see him. "Well we can work on that next," she replied. "I thought you said we'd spar today?"

"We will," he replied. "Are you ready?"

Grim smiled. "Sure am."

She ignited her lightsaber and he ignited his. The purple and blue blades came to life. Casting the Master and Padawan in their glows.

The two Jedi circled each other for a moment. Both waiting for the other to make the first move.

It was Grim and her impatience that went first.

She leaned forward and struck at Obi-Wan who easily blocked.

She jumped up and began to send multiple attacks at him at once, each one he blocked. "You're too aggressive in your attacks," he told her.

Grim stopped and stepped away.

Of course, attacking him in that way was foolish. She knew his moves. By doing that she was inviting a swift defeat by overexerting herself.

"Right. With your fighting style, to fight in that way is just asking to lose," she told him. "I should adjust my style to my opponent's."

"Be careful not to overestimate yourself," he told her. He went for an attack to which Grim moved out of the way and parried.

"I'm not. I'm just simply stating I have a better chance that way. After all I do have the advantage of knowing things many others do not," she said.

Grim attacked and Obi-Wan blocked. Their lightsabers engaged in a lock.

"Having knowledge and applying it are two very different things," he informed her.

"Of course," said Grim, jumping back. "Knowledge and wisdom are words many use interchangeably but are in truth different concepts," she agreed.

She struck at him and he slid back twirling his lightsaber.

Grim couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Do you always have to do that?"

"Do what?" asked Obi-Wan as the two circled each other again.

"The lightsaber spin, it's iconic," she replied. "Episode two, this show, episode three...I don't remember if you did it in episode one," she said. "Oh yeah, you do. It's like one of your signature moves. Besides the cloak drop and your whole pose, of course."

Obi-Wan chuckled. "I wouldn't say it's a signature move."

"Guess I'll keep count on how many times you do it then. When the war's over I'll tell you your total if it's less than ten you're right."

The Jedi Master smiled at his Padawan. "Very well then," he said.

Grim smiled back before attacking again.

Obi-Wan blocked and the two of them continued their spar.

Grim attempted to follow Obi-Wan copying his moves as they were now and as she had seen before.

As she did so she fell into a sort of dance.

Two more Jedi entered the room. Another Master and his Padawan. Anakin and Ahsoka. They watched as the other two sparred.

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