Chapter 28: A Goodbye

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 Grim was at the Temple when it happened.

An explosion went off in the hangar.

Luckily Grim wasn't anywhere near the hanger when it happened, but she still felt it. And heard it. She had been with Obi-Wan at the time. Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes.

The padawan instantly began to run to the source of the comotion. Obi-Wan following after her.

No. No. No. Not yet. Not yet. It can't be. No. No please. Not yet.

She already knew what this meant. The worst part was Grim knew she couldn't change it.

She had to let Ahsoka take the fall. She wouldn't be able to stop her. She would have to let her leave.

Because if she changed this but not the ending she would be the reason Ahsoka would die.

She reached the hanger and stopped. Obi-Wan was behind her. Grim stared at the destruction. With so many dead too. She hadn't seen the signs to change this and she couldn't change things further.

Many medics and Jedi were running to the hanger to save any survivors, and the Padawan forced herself to turn away from the scene. She ran away from the hanger and rushed to her room before Obi-Wan could even get a word in.

She slammed the door shut. Sliding down onto the floor Grim hugged her knees and began to cry. She had to collect herself, because she knew there was nothing she could do.

She had to allow this to happen. And she hated that.

There was a gentle knock on the door.

"Go away, Obi-Wan," said Grim, already knowing who had gone to check on her.

"Grim, do you know what's going on?" Obi-Wan asked her.

What kind of stupid question was that? Of course she did. "This was part of the show if that's what you're asking," Grim replied.

Obi-Wan was quiet for a moment. "I see," he said at last.

Grim heard his footsteps as he left. She was confused.

She stood up, realizing she was still sitting on the floor and walked over to her messy desk. There was a list of events on one piece of flimsi. She looked at the words "Wrong Jedi Arc". She made a quick note beside it. "Begun. Unable to risk change."

She didn't cross it out. It had only just begun.

She looked at the picture of her, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka. They were all younger then, and happier. Her gaze remained on Ahsoka's face. "I'm sorry Ash, but I can't change this for you, or for us. I always knew this could happen."

A couple minutes later Obi-Wan knocked on her door again. "Padawan?"


"The Council wants to talk with you."

Grim already knew why, but there was something she couldn't shake. Despite knowing what was going on, it felt wrong. Like even she was in the dark. She left her room and saw Obi-Wan waiting on her. "I can assume this is about what's happening?"

"You would assume correctly," Obi-Wan replied. The two were walking to the Council Chambers. "We already called Anakin and Ahsoka, they're on their way back to investigate."

"But I can't help, due to being here as it happened," said Grim understanding. "I know how it works."

"But if you know anything you can tell the Council that could be useful, you could help in that way," Obi-Wan said. Hoping this time she wouldn't keep secrets.

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