Chapter 10: Legacy Of Terror

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Master Unduli and Skywalker had won a massive victory in destroying a huge droid factory thanks to the help of their Padawans.

While Grim would have liked to have been there, she had stayed with Master Kenobi and Mundi to heal. Letting her injured arm rest, but it healed quicker than she had expected.

Now it was time for Luminara, Obi-Wan, and Grim to clean up everything, and hopefully capture Poggle the Lesser.

Obi-Wan and Grim met with Luminara. "A hard won victory," Obi-Wan said.

"Indeed, and a costly one," agreed Luminara. "We suffer a great many losses in these battles. Too many."

Grim didn't say anything, but she silently agreed. It was the point of this pointless war. To have such heavy casualties, and yet she knew that this was hardly the beginning.

As the war drew on the battles would only become more costly and they would suffer many more losses.

Until the end, where they would lose.

Except she would change that, she had to change that.

"The battles do seem to be coming with growing frequency," said Obi-Wan.

"No sign of Poggle, then?" Luminara asked.

"Nothing," said Grim.

"We have clone squadrons all over the area, but no hits yet," Obi-Wan added.

"I'll go out and see if I can't find any clues as to where he went," offered Luminara as she walked over towards a speederbike.

"I'm sure the clones can handle-" Obi-Wan protested.

"Poggle has too much information about the Separatists to let him get away," argued Luminara.

"Very well Master Unduli," Obi-Wan said.

"Just be sure to leave a bit of strategic planning for me when I come back, Master Kenobi. "I'd hate to feel left out."

Grim was about to say something but Luminara was already gone. She frowned and sighed.

The Jedi Master and his Padawan headed back to the ship to discuss plans. There they saw Ki-Adi studying the star chart. "What's this?" Obi-Wan asked. "I wasn't expecting to find you up and about."

"After enough time in a bacta tank, one longs for the mundane comfort of star charts," Ki-Adi replied.

"It looks like it did you some good," Obi-Wan replied. "Your wound looks almost healed."

"I wish I could say the same for most of my men," said Ki-Adi.

"Well, let's hope we don't have to take Geonosis a third time," said Obi-Wan. They turned around as a holomap was projected. Obi-Wan explained; "Poggle's forces seem to have come from the Northern Hemisphere."

"And where was Master Unduli's last contact made from?" Ki-Adi asked.

"This region farther to the west but there's nothing out there according to our latest intel," explained Obi-Wan pointing at the map.

Grim studied the map and considered the information she already had, knowing she could bring it up to the Jedi Masters. However before she could, Luminara contacted them, having spotted something. "It appears to be a munitions container of some kind," she told them.

"It could just be debris," Ki-Adi pointed out.

"I don't think so. There was no battle in this area," replied Luminara.

"It looks like Poggle was on a direct course," pointed out the trooper with Luminara. "Eleven mark seventy-two, that way," he said.

"Headed directly to Progate Temple," said Luminara.

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