Chapter 21: Scars And Ghosts

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Grim sat on her bed, bouncing a small ball between the wall and herself. Although her mind wasn't thinking of it, instead it was a hurricane of thoughts as she contemplated the past few days. She thought of all that had occurred during Master Kenobi's mission.

She was still hurt that the Council hadn't thought to tell her about it. They all knew that she had seen all these events before and was trying to change the outcome. And Grim had changed things before. She had saved lives already! They knew that. She felt as if they didn't trust her, and it hurt her when she had trusted them with something she hadn't revealed to anyone else.

Except Ahsoka.

The ball fell.

Except Sidious.

She hadn't told him exactly, but she had let slip she knew more than was possible. She let slip about the multiverse.

Sidious is a mastermind. She knew it. Nothing less could control this war in all its aspects. What she let slip was enough to doom her. He would put together the pieces she had so foolishly handed him.

He had already known of her, she was always in his sights, but now she was a target as well.

How much had she revealed to him? Her words, her body language, her facial expressions, her actions, everything she did or didn't do, and everything she did or didn't say revealed her story. How much of her story did Sidious now know?

Grim picked the ball back up and placed it back in a drawer. Her mind had begun to swirl with questions again, these questions only caused her to worry more. She put on her red boots and black fingerless gloves, and left her quarters.

She still shared it with Obi-Wan, but after he had faked his death she was too angry at him to acknowledge him upon their arrival back on Coruscant.

Grim knew it was petty, but she felt she had deserved to know about the plan with everything else she already knew, and she may have also been trying to escape a lecture about the amount of fights she had gotten into while he was undercover.

Although Obi-Wan didn't know about the fight that was haunting her now.

Grim found an empty training room and began to go through some simple movements. She closed her eyes as she repeated movements that had almost become a part of her after years of fighting. She tried to keep her thoughts on the movement or if not on the movement then on the Force itself. To distract herself from her fears.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Oh I've known for some time."

He had known. How had Sidious known about her? She needed answers. The Padawan shook the thought out of her head. The only way to get the answer would be to walk back and fight him again.

Well, if Sidious already knew about her, there was no point in being as careful was there? Still she had to make sure she could survive an encounter with him. Her escape before had been luck, but she doubted her luck would stick.

The following days Grim spent hours at a time practicing in Soresu. She had even challenged Anakin to a friendly sparring match to see where she needed to work on. Although Anakin had been too angry about being left in the dark and Obi-Wan's deception when Grim had known, and so he declined her challenge. She had taunted him in a manner meant as something a younger sibling might say, but he had only been offended and walked away.

It had been nearly a week since the deception ended now.

Grim was once again in a training room, practicing her lightsaber combat on a droid. Today the room wasn't empty, although the Padawan paid no mind to her spectator.

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