Chapter 22: The Dark's Return

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  Maul had returned, and Obi-Wan had to leave to face him.

It wasn't possible, as Kenobi had slain the Sith many years ago back on Naboo, but it seemed that somehow the Sith had returned, and innocents were being harmed because of it.

Obi-Wan had to take care of him once more, and hopefully this time for good, and he had to go alone.

This wasn't a mission for Grim to go along with.

Although it did bother him slightly that she had never mentioned this to him.

Surely she knew that Maul would return, he felt as if that would be something that was shown in the fiction of her universe. So, if she had known, why hadn't she told him?

"Master?" Grim asked him, noticing he was leaving. "Where are you going?"

Obi-Wan stopped, he knew that if he told Grim where he was going that she would more than likely follow, even if he told her to stay. "I have to deal with something I should've done a while ago. I will be back shortly," he told her.

Grim crossed her arms and gave him a look that he knew meant that she wasn't convinced. "Something you should've done a while ago?" she repeated questioningly. "You don't mean- Maul's returned already?"

Kenobi sighed, of course she figured it out, "it is a possibility, yes. I am going to face him alone, you are not to come along on this mission with me. I will return shortly."

Grim looked even more unconvinced than ever. This was what he wanted to avoid. "No you won't. I'm coming with you."

He sighed again. He knew she would say that. "No you're not," Obi-Wan replied. "You are to stay here."

Grim sighed and put her hands up in surrender, "alright, fine," said Grim in defeat. "I won't go along with you." As Obi-Wan walked off, Grim added in a whisper, "that you know of." With that she followed him.

Grim stayed in the back of the ship the entire ride to the planet, and waited until the ship landed before moving from her hiding place. Even then, she waited a moment before exiting the ship and following her master.

The sight of the town they landed in as it lay in ruin and flames broke the padawan's heart.

All of this destruction and death just to lure Obi-Wan into a trap?

Grim felt pity for the corpses she passed, they had simply been unlucky enough to get caught in the crossfire between Maul's brutal hatred for Master Kenobi.

She shook her head at the sight, feeling bad that she had no tears left to shed for them. After these years of death, it had become too far a common sight. She hated that.

Grim caught up with Obi-Wan who stood in front of a pile of burning rubble, on top of that pile was Darth Maul himself.

Grim almost gasped at the sight of Maul in person but she quickly covered her mouth and hid behind a nearby building.

"Jedi!" Maul shouted at Kenobi. "I have been waiting for you."

"I'm not sure I've made your acquaintance," Obi-Wan replied.

"I am surprised you could've forgotten me so easily, after I killed your master, and you left me for dead on Naboo," Maul remarked.

Grim watched as Obi-Wan's eyes widened in shock, "it is you."

"You may have forgotten me, but I will never forget you. You cannot imagine the depths I would go through to stay alive, fueled by my singular hatred for you," Maul went on.

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