Epilogue: 5 Years Later (14 BBY)

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The Jedi ran. She had been spotted, and she had to get away. She would find another planet and lay low for a month or two before getting involved again.

Then she heard it. The breathing.

Mechanical breathing.

She recognized the sound instantly. She didn't need the Force to know who it was. Who he was.

She froze.

Slowly the Jedi turned around. Coming face to face with Darth Vader. His red lightsaber shimmering in the dark night, illuminating his suit of armor.

  I caused that. I failed him.

She shook the thoughts away. No, he had made his own choices.

The Jedi ignited her own lightsaber. The purple blade coming to life. She positioned herself for battle, glaring up at the Sith with emerald green eyes. "Skywalker," she growled.

"Anakin Skywalker-"

"Was weak? Is dead? Don't give me your lies," the Jedi told him.

"Was a ghost. After all, you said it yourself, Kennet."

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