Chapter 13: Truth And Discovery

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The Jedi had received a distress message from a code that hadn't been used in nearly two thousand years.

As such Obi-Wan, Anakin, Grim, and Ahsoka had been sent to investigate. As the others worried it may be a trap they had set up to rendezvous with a heavily armed Jedi Cruiser.

The rendezvous they were currently at, but there was a lack of the ship.

"Rex. Rex, do you read me? We're at the rendezvous awaiting your arrival," Anakin said as he contacted the clone captain. "Where are you?"

"Sir, we are at the rendezvous and there is no sign of you on our scanners," Rex informed him.

"Oh, come on, that's impossible," Anakin complained. He then turned to the other Jedi on the ship, "we're at the exact coordinates the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here. Rex is at the exact same coordinates but he's not here."

Obi-Wan stroked his beard in thought, "now this is getting interesting."

The holo-projection of Rex began to flicker in and out as he asked where they were, before cutting out completely. "Something's jamming the signal," Ahsoka informed them. Just then the power went out.

"Well this isn't good," said Grim. "Everything's dead, even the life support."

"This is really strange," Anakin said.

Just then the power came right back on. "There, see nothing to be concerned about," Obi-Wan told them.

"I dunno, I believe there's still something to be concerned about," said Grim.

"Yeah," Ahsoka agreed. "Like, what is that?" She pointed to the red diamond that had appeared out of thin air and was now directly in front of them.

"Nothing good," said Grim. "Especially considering it's pulling us towards it!"

Just then the strange object began to open with a blinding white light shining through. "Everyone strap yourselves in," Obi-Wan said, directing it more to the padawans who had stood up to get a closer look. "Looks like we're going for a ride."

Grim and Ahsoka both sat back down in their seats and strapped themselves in.

Grim braced herself for what was to come as she remembered the events currently taking place.

She began to wonder what this adventure would have in store for her when she fell unconscious along with the others.

When the Jedi woke up the ship had safely landed in an ethereal field with lots of flora. Everything was very bright, yet not bright enough to burn their eyes.

Grim was the first to wake up, rubbing the back of her neck, "urgh, who turned on the sun?" she asked groggily.

Anakin groaned, as he woke up next. "I must've blacked out."

"Then, who landed the ship?" Obi-Wan asked as he too woke up.

"Not me," Ahsoka said groggily as she also awoke.

"Where are we?" asked Anakin.

"Mortis," said Grim, waking up more at the realization.

For so long she always considered Mortis the shifting point of the series, as the part where things started to get far more darker and dangerous. She had known it was coming up and yet the realization that it had arrived so soon shocked her.

She wondered just what the planet had in store for her.

The others looked at her confused, Grim simply shrugged off their looks, she knew Obi-Wan understood it to mean that this was something Grim had seen before in the show, but Anakin and Ahsoka were left in the dark about this knowledge.

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