False liberation

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"Dad? Are you okay?"

Lo'ak is sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand pressed to Jake's shoulder as he gently tries to shake him awake.

It's been nine hours since he knocked out, and although he deserved much more sleep than that —- Lo'ak knew he wouldn't forgive himself if he slept much longer.

It was enough back and forth with the others just trying to debate if they should let Jake sleep this long... until they eventually realized that shift changing was the best time of day to get him up.

Every second here was one he could spend searching for you and the kids, and found it a waste not being out there.

"Dad. I'm sorry to wake you, but it's been a long time and-"

Jake gasps suddenly, rising like he's coming back from the dead.

It makes Lo'ak jump back a bit, almost terrified at the loud sound his father made.


His hand comes over his heart, and he stares at the wall before him for a moment — trying to remember what happened and where he was.
It's a slow turn to his son, and he swings his legs over the bed as his fingers come up to his throat. It's beyond dry and rough.

Lo'ak watches as his father reaches over for the small table nearby, and downs the entire bottle in seconds.

His voice is hoarse, probably over worked from screaming your name too many times over.

He looks defeated, and absolutely worn out despite sleeping the day away.

It's not until he glances up at his son, and back down to the watch on his wrist that he realizes how close to noon it actually is.

"Shit. I have to go back out there." He groans.
"Why did you kids let me sleep so late?"

Before he can even stand, Lo'ak is at his side helping him up.

"Da'mik tried to wake you earlier, but you weren't responding." He tries to explain.

He walks him out to the living room, and Jake sits at one of the chairs as he pulls out from fresh fruit from the fridge.

It's just Lo'ak, Da'mik, and Jake here for now.

Da'mik stares at his father, concerned and upset with how drained he looks.

"What is it?" Jake asks — and he sounds a bit annoyed if anything else.

"Father." Da'mik stands and walks to him, only a few feet away as he crosses his arms.
"You should take the day off. Let me go in your place. I can look around with Tonowaris men."

"No." He shortly answers, not allowing room for either of them to protest.

"You're not planning this out clearly." Da'mik boldly says. "You really think you could rescue them in this condition? What are you gonna do exactly if it is the RDA? One attempt with swinging of your own tomahawk and you'll miss, I'm sure of it.
You're not stable, and you're putting yourself in more danger by not resting."

Jake takes a few bites of the food, his eyes barely open as the light above gives him a slight headache.

"You think mom would be okay with this?" Lo'ak even joins in. "She'd have your head if she knew you were doing this. You need to take care of yourself, too."

And for the first memorable time since they'd grown so much — they watch as their father turns to stare at them with tears building in his eyes.
"I'm not losing anyone else." He croaks out. "Not as long as I can help it, I have to go."

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