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The next morning isn't so hard, the first full nights rest you've had with a full meal and pain killers.


After breakfast though, you find Da'mik is sitting at the end of the dock - staring out into the distance as Spider, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Tuk are playing with the ilu.

"Why are you crying?" Jake softly sounds from behind you, and it's the first time you realize you even were.

He wipes away at your tears, and gives you a gentle kiss on your temple.

"I just.. I'm appreciating what we have right now, that's all." And your palm comes up to your face to wipe away at the other eye. "No matter how hard I try to, though.. I can't, not fully.
Niikeym should be here, enjoying this."

He swallows a lump in the back of his own throat, and wraps his around your waist.
"I know, baby. I know."

"I tired so hard to give them a better life than the mental and emotional shit my parents put me through, and they've been in and out of literal hell-"

Jake places a finger gently under your chin.
"You are doing everything you can, and they know that. They see that with us. I know Tuk whining the most about it doesn't help, but they will understand it, if not right now — then they will one day.
Look at them, baby. Despite everything they are still playing together and trying their best to enjoy life. Just like we are.
We don't give up, ever."

You lean into his hold and press your nose into his neck.
"You're right."

And you can hear the way he chuckles.
"I always am."

You tsk as you push away from him. "As if." And he watches as you walk out further to watch them, noticing how Da'mik seems a little more off than usual.

And although you still have a limp, ironically in the same place your human leg had been injured, you manage your way down to him.
"What's got you so down, kid?"

He barely spares you a look as you come to sit with him, his shoulders hunched forward as he sighs so deeply.

"It's hard not to feel like a failure. It was my first time going out as a recognized adult, and I let them down." He admits.
"I don't know how Spider and Kiri slipped out so easily from me. I'm so sorry, Mother."

You place a hand near his, and lean in a bit so you're more level with him.
"Da'mik." You say so softly.
He took after you more than you ever wished he would. He should've been saved from these thoughts, not meant to relive your own.
"You can't always predict how things are going to go. That's how life is. You just have to stay alert in new places, and keep your team together.
However, I won't lie to you, I don't think you and the others should have split up. That was irresponsible.
Next time, if you absolutely have to, stay within a closer range. I mean it.
Especially when you're in a new place, it doesn't hurt to be more cautious."

He wipes away at a tear on the edge of his waterline.
"I'm thankful when it's you I get to speak with. Dad sure let me have it already."

You nudge him with your shoulder.
"Well, one of us has to be bad cop, and the other as the good cop right?"

Speaking of, Jake makes his way down and interrupts as he leans down to help you up.

"Kids." He calls out. "We're heading out for Kiris Ikran, we will be back. If we aren't here by dinner, Rotxo's grandmother says you can join her."

"Okay!" Tuk waves out with her little arms, and you give her the same motion in return.

"Behave while we're gone." Jake looks to Lo'ak and Spider, to which they shrug offensively. "I mean it."

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