• In

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Niikeyms voice is gone by now, and the darkness is already closing in.

Time is wasting, and Lo'ak doesn't have a clue on how to work past this.

He has no weaponry, no strength, no backup,

What is he to do? Fall over? See if he could trip both avatars in one go?

That would leave the pack of humans that follow him, and he may not have the time to grab for a gun before they strike him.

Even a faint bullet in his shoulder would render him weak and gone, far too broken to fight back against much.

At the very least, he craved water.

More than anything, he wanted to jump straight into the creek they were following, and-


The waterfall.

Is that what the hallucination was trying to tell him?

He could ... lose them that way?

But what about the restraints? How would he get that off with no knife or ... maybe after he got far enough, he could make a fire and melt it off?

But that would risk him being seen.

Lyle shoves him from behind again, a painful move as he nearly falls face down from that alone.

Everyone around seems to laugh, finding amusement in the way he's so fragile right now.

The waterfall was a long shot.
   A pretty deep shot, at that.
And who's to say he wouldn't risk getting his siblings shot? The other Na'vi were still hanging around. Guarding them.

He couldn't bare the thought of trying that if it meant hurting them.


The explosion was sudden and deafening, like an earthquake that would shake the ground beneath their feet.

And another one soon followed — far to the East.

Quaritch and Lyle froze in shock for a moment.

"What was that?" Lyle asks at first.

"I don't know," One of the human militia replied.. her voice barely above a whisper.

They all looked around, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Smoke was rising in the distance, and soon came an even larger gust of it as someone tossed down piles of smoke grenades.

"We need to get out of here," the woman persists with a panic in her voice. "Our traps aren't this far out!"

Turns out, Sully and gang had the right idea about coming here first.
      Quaritch was so dead set on them going there, he even left his own son as a sort of bait to convince them he had still been around.

Lo'ak manages to shove away just as the darkest part of the eclipse hits, and he kicks Quaritch in the knee before stumbling off.
    Hidden between the smoke, thankfully - even if he couldn't breathe very well.

Before he can even think to jump — his Ikran finds him, and she sets down as low as she can to bring him on board.
    Where snacks and canteens await him, thankfully.

He didn't have a moment to lose. He had to get his family out before anything else happened.
    He turned and started flying back the way they had come, determined to get there before Quaritch could from the latest ambush.

But he didn't know how truly close Quaritch was.

The colonel had already called his own Ikran, and he was closing in fast. If the man didn't act quickly, he and his family would be in grave danger.

Late Night P2 | Rough Draft | FinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora