Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

    Because it was an audition for a movie role, the number of people who came to audition was far less than that of a TV series. Not long after An Ranyu and Shao Yuning, it was Qiao Yiyue's turn.

    With the previous audition experience in "Deep Palace Falling", Qiao Yiyue was not so nervous this time. That's right, the main reason for her nervousness at the time was that Gu Xiwen was there, and she didn't want to leave a bad impression on Xixi. Now that Gu Xiwen is not here, she can function normally.

    Entering the audition hall, Qiao Yiyue stood still in the middle, looking at the directors, assistant directors, screenwriters, etc. in front of them all with tired faces, and some even felt a little impatient.     Under such circumstances, it was very unfavorable to Qiao Yiyue, so when she introduced herself, she introduced herself very briefly, "Hi everyone, I am Qiao Yiyue, who was born in May, and I want to audition this time. The character is the protagonist a Jiang Shuer."     The reason why she wanted to audition for Jiang Shuer was because Qiao Yiyue felt that the character of this character was very similar to her own, and she could play it in her true colors. Being able to play a role similar to myself in such a movie can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.     This is also the idea that Gu Xiwen gave her, saying that movies are different from TV dramas, and TV dramas try to challenge roles that she has never tried before, so that they can exercise. But for movies, the space is small and the shooting cycle is short. Choose some characters that can be close to her, otherwise she won't have so much time to experience characters with contrasting personalities.     Qiao Yiyue didn't listen to Gu Xiwen's words during the audition for "Deep Palace" before, and this was also a problem in her heart. This time, since Gu Xiwen felt that Jiang Shuer was more suitable for her, she would give Jiang Shuer a try.     Gu Xiwen has been in the industry for so many years, and has seen all kinds of scripts. Her vision, her insights, and her keenness on the future development of the work are all very sharp, and she is right.     "Okay, you come here to draw lots." A man said.     "Yes." Qiao Yiyue said, stepped forward and took out a note from the box on the table. After taking it, she didn't look at it herself, but handed it to the man standing aside. From the looks of it, the man should be the director's assistant.

    The director's assistant opened the note, and then said to the other audition examiners: "She got the 28th test paper." After speaking, he showed the content of the 28th test paper to Qiao Yiyue.

    Qiao Yiyue had read the script of "Twin Flowers" several times before it came, so when she saw the 28th exam paper, she immediately saw that it was a fragment of the script.     In the 28th exam paper, the part of Qiao Yiyue's audition is a part of the second half of the movie. It tells the story of when Jiang Shuer and Jiang Shu parted ways, and Jiang Shuer watched Jiang Shu return to that dangerous world.     "Every audition examiner, I'm ready."     "Let's get started."     Qiao Yiyue nodded, and then took a deep breath to integrate herself into the role as much as possible. Although Jiang Shuer is a simple-minded and sunny character, but in this last scene, it is completely different from before.     At the beginning of the performance, Qiao Yiyue's voice, gaze, and her overall state showed her strength to the audition team. She showed almost all Jiang Shuer's feelings of pity, anger, reluctance, etc. Not only that, but she also dealt with it herself at the end, adding a weird and penetrating smile to herself.     This smile makes Jiang Shuer's character design more intriguing.     Qiao Yiyue's smile was immediately noticed by the audition team. Everyone looked at each other and seemed to think that her handling seemed to be quite meaningful.     The director was the first to speak, and he asked the reason, "Why did you add such a meaningful smile at the end?"     Qiao Yiyue explained: "I'm sorry everyone, the reason why I handled it this way is because I think there is something wrong with this script. It's more against harmony."     Hearing what she said, the female screenwriter immediately said: "What is against harmony?"

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