But I'm a pyromaniac! CA/NY

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California stood out in the field behind the state house, usually he didn't go here, but some nights it's the only place you can be alone. They stood out in cold field surrounded by knee high grass, where the only thing you could here was the sound of her lighting a Marlboro. He didn't usually smoke, but today was one of those nights where the states had been stressful, and they needed a break.

She watched as the flame was lit, he always found fire to be a beautiful thing, the way it danced around everything it touched, this obsession was definitely harmful, and they knew that, but she found nothing more calming than the way fire dances.


The golden state turned around to find New York standing a few feet behind him.

"I need to talk to you."

"Alright, what is it?"

New York wasn't a sentimental man by any means, he was more focused on work than anything. Though every moment with the golden state set his heart on fire.

He thought for a second. This could ruin his relationship with the person standing right in front of him. Though he may as well give it his best shot.

"From the moment I met you, you set my heart on fire."

It felt like everything froze. The west coaster didn't really know how to respond.

If anything they were scared. California knew the pros and cons and how it'd affect the both of them. She'd ran the scenario time after time, ever since they had a vague idea that New York may have caught feelings. Though the golden state didn't know how he felt about the whole scenario, they never had a full grasp on the idea of romantic love.

She could make a joke, dismissing the whole scenario and making New York think he was oblivious to what he meant.

They could turn down New York and break the man's heart.

Or they could accept the confession.

The fate was in her hands, sadly he was never good at making decisions, nor did they like too. If anything they'd prefer is someone else to choose for her.

"But I'm a pyromaniac! That means like, nothing!"

New York knew what that meant.

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