Blew it Over Waters ~ Chapter 11

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"BYLETH!!!" Alear shouted. She looked around the entire mansion still dressed in her formal clothing. Soon she ran upstairs and looked at his door. She knocked and waited for a response.


Alear replied, "Byleth you're overreacting! Sure you fought Claude at the wedding but it wasn't that BAD!"

"YES IT WAS!!! I MADE A FOOL OF MYSELF AGH I'M SUCH AN EMBARRASSMENT!" Byleth yelled at the door. He felt himself crying again. He was so embarrassed about the situation at the wedding. Everyone seemed to like it but he was just an embarrassment. They all laughed at him...

Alear replied, "You have no idea what's going on! They loved the fight and Chrom said he found it enjoyable too! You have nothing to worry about!"

"I DON'T CARE!! AHHH!!!" Byleth screamed. Alear stood there and then looked down at herself. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door again slowly. "Just come in I guess... since you won't leave me alone..."

Alear sighed, "If you say so..." She opened the door and spotted Byleth blowing his nose into tissues. He felt so lost and confused he had no idea what to do or how to feel about anything that was happening.

"I... I hate myself..." Byleth cried as he buried his head into the pillow. Alear sat right beside him and sat there staring at him. She had no idea what to say or what to do. She was so helpless and couldn't do anything for her life. Byleth kept on crying and crying over and over again.

Alear sighed, "Chrom is a forgiving person, he's going to forgive you. Don't you ever believe he's not. He's perfectly okay with the way events went. Claude didn't mind it either, they thought it was a great way to light up the whole party."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better..." Byleth groaned as he buried his head into the pillows again. He took a deep breath and then kept his head in the pillow. Alear sat there with him and they enjoyed the silence together.

Alear sighed, "The silence feels nice doesn't it?" Byleth laid there in silence as he took a few more deep breaths. Alear looked at Byleth and smiled. "Speaking of, you're missing out on all the fun things at the wedding. They were going to cut the cake when you ran out."

Byleth muttered, "I can't show my face to that crowd of people again! Rowan was there too and they know what a mess I was during that wedding. I'm never going to MAKE IT OUT THERE!!" Alear took a deep breath and hugged Byleth. Suddenly he felt like his emotions were calming down.

"You're fine the way you are Byleth, don't change that about you..." Byleth looked down at himself and stared at his uniform. "Do you want to see if the party is still going?"

Byleth replied, "Alright... I guess I can give it a shot." They got up and slowly headed out the door. After some time they arrived back at the cathedral and saw Chrom and Claude laughing with each other.

"I got Byleth back!" Alear cheered. The two looked over and waved at Byleth.

Chrom laughed, "Glad you're back! We saved you a slice of the cake!" Byleth nodded as he grabbed a slice of cake from Chrom. He sat down with them and ate. They were laughing and enjoying themselves with each other. Byleth just felt out of place with them.

"Is... Rowan still here?"


"Some fashion designer that is competing with Byleth in Hero Town. They literally just appeared and took all of Byleth's work," Alear explained. Claude took a sip of what he was drinking and was still confused. Chrom looked at Claude in confusion.

Claude then realized and replied, "Wait! I do know them, they are responsible for my suit! They got literally everything wrong about it."


Claude groaned, "I should've asked Byleth to do my outfit, he did Chrom's and it was absolutely stunning. I, on the other hand, don't really feel comfortable wearing this..."

"Oh, um I feel honored especially since I kinda ruined your wedding day," Byleth replied while blushing embarrassingly.

Chrom sighed, "Byleth you didn't ruin anything, everything is alright. I know I was mad when I told you to stop but Claude helped me consider it a fun event..." Byleth looked at Chrom and down at himself. They saw as Lucina and Morgan dashed over.

"Father! We want to play some games! Do you know what to play?" Lucina questioned. Chrom thought for a moment and nodded.

Chrom suggested, "Go ahead and play the one ball game you play with Markus. What is it called?"

"TAG BALL! OF COURSE!!" Lucina cheered. Then the two ran off. Byleth sat there in disbelief wondering if he could even redeem himself at all.

"Aww, look who it is, congratulations you two!" A voice called out. The group looked over and it was none other than Rowan themselves. They looked at Byleth and gave him a slight smirk that immediately irritated him.

Byleth muttered, "I'm... going... to rip... them to SHREDS."

"What was that?"

"Nothing... nothing..."

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