Elusia Castle Walls ~ Chapter 92

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"Here we are..." Ivy muttered as the heroes got to Elusia. They all made it and looked around, the castle was just close by. They walked their way inside and then soon they spotted Hortensia standing by a window with worry. "Hortensia!"

Hortensia asked, "Ivy?! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" The two hugged as the heroes searched around the castle.

Shez asked, "Where exactly do you suspect Byleth might open the gateway to the Netherworld?"

Ivy replied, "I'm not so sure myself, there's just a lot here... he could use anyplace..."

"Alright we need to separate into groups, once the others arrive we will be able to cover more ground," Shez suggested. The heroes looked at one another and then nodded.

Celica sighed, "I'm going to stay at Ivy's and Hortensia's side in order to make sure if they get hurt; that they get help as soon as possible."

"Excellent, thank you for taking care of that Celica," Shez said with a smile. Celica nodded as she walked away alongside the two royals of Elusia. Meanwhile the other heroes stood there looking at one another in awe.

Alear sighed, "I've been to Elusia castle a couple of times... but I never really had a chance to explore the whole place..." The others looked around as Shez was trying to understand the structure of the place. Byleth could find a way into the castle without the heroes even realizing. This was vital...

Veyle muttered, "I don't know how much I need to say this but I have to... Byleth scares me so much..."

Alear looked around the castle and then soon turned to Veyle who was shaking a little. She walked over and hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down. "Veyle, I understand how you feel... Byleth has gotten more and more menacing the more we've come face to face with him. Something about him is so off-putting I can't put my finger on it..."

Veyle hugged Alear back as the heroes continued looking around the castle. It was so large it could pretty much be a battlefield if they wanted it to be.

Shez groaned, "I can't decide who should go to where... there's just so much... space." The heroes looked at him and nodded slowly. Meanwhile, Celica was making sure that Ivy and Hortenisa were doing okay.

Celica sighed, "If you need anything please let me know. I'm here to do all I can to protect you guys."

"Thank you dearly Celica, you have a big heart," Celica smiled at Ivy as she looked around the castle walls. She saw the place as eerie before seeing guards appear left and right. "I heard the heroes were having trouble taking care of parts of the castle so I sent some guards to help them."

Celica laughed, "You came more prepared than the heroes themselves. I just want to make sure everything goes well." Ivy nodded as she stood up slowly. She walked toward a window and looked around the place. She didn't know what to do, she just was worried about the sudden raid. "Wait... do any of you know when he will come?"

Hortensia replied, "Not really, I've gotten super worried about Ivy as of late. She keeps on overworking herself!"

"I see... I don't blame her though, she has a kingdom to take care of and already two of the Elyos' kingdoms went down with Byleth..." Celica replied.

Hortensia groaned, "Ugh! I do not want us to be next! So you all better do your best!"

"Alrighty we will, don't you worry about a thing we'll do all we can," Celica giggled.

Hortensia yelled, "You better! I'm counting you heroes to make sure we get protected! I don't want to get hurt and get my cuteness ruined." Celica smiled and then soon noticed Shez walking in the room.

Shez ordered, "Celica... we need you." Celica looked over and nodded. She walked over to Shez as he stood there in silence, he seemed really quiet all of a sudden. "Celica... what I'm going to ask you is going to be a lot."

Celica looked at Shez with worry as Shez took a deep breath and looked down toward himself. "What is it that you need to tell me? I think I can handle it on my own." Shez looked at her and then nodded.

Shez explained, "If by any reason we need to kill Byleth... can I trust you to take his place? I don't want to kill him but if there's no way we can save him... will you do me that favor?" Celica stood there staring at Shez in shock as she looked down at herself. Soon she nodded as the two shook hands.

"I will do all that I can..." Celica replied. Shez nodded as the two hugged for a little while. They stood there in silence for a moment and soon stopped hugging.

Shez sighed, "If he doesn't die, you're still here with us. Welcome to the team Celica."

"Thank you, I will make sure not to fail you guys... do everything I can to protect this world," Celica replied. Shez smiled as he left the scene. Still Celica felt nervous, did they need to kill him?

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