Telling Time By Splitting Apart ~ Chapter 31

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Byleth walked out of the chapel and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked through the scroll as it revealed ancient text throughout the entire thing. Byleth was in awe with all that was being shown. He believed that everything about it was beautiful.

"Look at this... so magnificent," Byleth said as he held the scroll tightly in his hands. His eyes filled with swirls as he grew more and more in love. He hugged the book as he fell onto the ground smiling.

He looked up into the snowy sky as snow drifted onto his body. He looked around the area and heard footsteps. He sat up and looked around. Suddenly an arrow was shot directly at him. Byleth felt the arrow nearly hit him. There he was, Alcryst.

Alcryst muttered, "The heroes know you and I are missing. However, you will not use that scroll." Byleth put the scroll away and took out his sword while smiling.

Byleth mocked, "Ready to try again after what I did to you?" Alcryst stared at him and took a deep breath. Shooting several arrows at him in the process. Byleth was able to dodge them and tried to whip him; however, he jumped back as Byleth noticed Ivy was back on her wyvern again.

Ivy muttered, "It is about time you get destroyed... you took the property of Elusia without consent!"

"It's mine now! It never was yours to begin with!" Byleth yelled as he got ready to swing his sword up. However, Alcryst dashed over and shot an arrow directly at him. Byleth jumped back and looked down at the scroll. "I think I know how to perform a spell, I just need to believe in myself."

Ivy shouted, "TAKE THIS!" Then she casted a fire spell on Byleth. Byleth used the scroll and placed a shield around him. Ivy kept throwing as many spells at him as possible but he was able to absorb them with the shield. "What... What is going on?"

Alcryst grunted, "It has to be the work of the scroll..." Byleth looked at them and smiled, soon he was able to absorb the spells into his body. Thus making him far more powerful. "You... You're a monster..."

Byleth laughed, "THE ONLY MONSTER HERE IS YOU ALCRYST! I AM PERFECTION COMPARED TO YOU!!" Alcryst rolled his eyes as he shot another arrow at Byleth. Byleth barely dodged the arrow and looked at Alcryst. Soon Ivy shot another spell. This time it hit Byleth as he fell into the snow.

"You get the scroll Alcryst! I will overwhelm him!" Ivy explained. Alcryst nodded and dashed after the scroll. He attempted to grab it but Byleth grabbed his hand and shoved him backward. Slowly standing up in the process, before he was shot down again by Ivy.

Alcryst got his hands on the scroll and looked back at Byleth. Byleth slowly got up and smiled at them. Ivy got ready to shoot another spell at Byleth. Byleth smiled at them again as he slowly got ready to whip them once again. However, he immediately took out his watch and time froze.

Byleth laughed, "I do love it when I can abuse my abilities granted to me!" He dashed over and kicked Alcryst across the face. As well as grabbing the scroll from his hands. He jumped onto Ivy's wyvern and kicked the wyvern down. However, they were all still frozen still.

Byleth landed and looked toward them. Slowly unfreezing time as they fell onto the ground. Ivy fell off her wyvern as Alcryst fell onto the ground. He looked up and tried shooting Byleth but he was able to defect the arrow. He looked back at the scroll and safely put it away.

Byleth sighed, "Much better...."

"You will never get away with that scroll! You will never..." Alcryst shouted before he collapsed onto the ground.

Byleth mocked, "Never get the scroll? You must be stupid to believe I won't even try. I will do everything in my power to make sure this scroll is mine... and I will make sure you will die... mark my words."

"Kill Alcryst!? What are you even talking about?!" Ivy asked as she slowly got up. Byleth stared at her and back at his sword. "You are trying to kill him!? What monster are you?!"


"Perfection doesn't even exist... you're trying to harm others for your own selfish needs, do you have no shame?" Ivy replied as she held onto her tome. Byleth stared at her and turned around.

Byleth laughed, "I don't feel regret for anything I do! It's just part of my life, no need to get so pressed over something so little like this..."


"Call me a monster one more time, I dare you... you wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to be ripped off do you?" Byleth grumbled. Ivy stood there staring at him in disbelief. "That's what I thought." Then he left the scene as Ivy dashed over to check on Alcryst.

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