"CREATE THE BARRIER!" ~ Chapter 134

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Zethus Byleth and Chrom stood there together as Zethus Byleth got the power orb. Zethus Byleth smiled as he showed Chrom the orb.

"This power orb contains all the strength of the heroes in here. You have to do something for me if you don't mind," Zethus Byleth explained. Chrom grabbed the energy orb from his hands and smiled.

Chrom laughed, "HAH! They really decided to not fight back... how pathetic can my own teammates be?"

Zethus Byleth laughed, "Of course they're pathetic! They're just nothing but worthless, all the time, all the same. Oh how much I wish to get rid of them..."

"Oh for sure, I'm so glad to see them slowly being crushed away. They're just nothing compared to you Lord Zethus," Chrom replied. Zethus Byleth looked into his eyes, there were only swirls in them.

Zethus Byleth groaned, "Oh, how I wish to bring you back to your original personality, wouldn't that be such a nice change?"

"Your grace? My... original personality?"

"Oh it's nothing to worry about," Zethus Byleth giggled. Chrom slowly turned around and then lifted the orb up in the air. "Yes... YES!!!"

Chrom chanted, "SEAL THE WORLD! CREATE THE BARRIER!" He continued chanting the thing, while Rafal walked in and saw the entire ordeal happening.

"What the hell are you doing with Chrom!?" Rafal asked. Zethus Byleth turned around and smirked at him. He walked over slowly and grabbed Rafal's chin. "GET OFF ME YOU FREAK!!"

Zethus Byleth sighed, "You are just nothing, you're always creating the same problems over and over again. How many times have you failed me?"

"Your honor I'm just trying to be an actual person rather than becoming another servant of yours," Rafal grunted. Zethus Byleth stared at him in the eyes and smiled. Shoving Rafal on the ground and turning over to Chrom.

Zethus Byleth sighed, "You can leave if you wish to be replaced by someone who is being mind-controlled by Despair. I'm surprised the spell I placed on you failed."

"You affected me once already, it's not going to work twice in a row even though you used MY BODY to bring back Zehira... and perhaps I might as well leave you behind!" Rafal yelled.

Zethus Byleth sighed, "Oh, but you haven't finished what we were working on... have you?" Rafal stared at him dead in the eyes and started moving backward.

"SEAL THE WORLD!! CREATE THE BARRIER!!" Chrom continued. Zethus Byleth smiled widely as Rafal continued backing away.

Rafal ordered, "HEY!!! HEY!!! STAY THE HELL BACK BEFORE I FIND A WAY TO KICK YOU DOWN!!" Zethus Byleth continued walking over and then got a power orb in his hand. Rafal took out his axe and took a deep breath. "STAY THE HELL BACK!!"

Zethus Byleth mocked, "Or what? Are you going to leave a dent on me? You've long been replaced by Chrom. I don't need you anymore so I think it's best for me to finish you off..."

"FINE!! I'LL WORK WITH YOU IF YOU DON'T TRY KILLING ME!!" Rafal shouted. Zethus Byleth stared at him and slowly nodded, putting his hand down. "I promise to follow all your orders my lord. What do you wish for me?"

Zethus Byleth sighed, "Chrom is about to finish, let's stand next to him and wait for him to complete the spell." Rafal nodded as the two walked over. Chrom was chanting the spell over and over again. "He makes me all so very proud..."

Chrom chanted one last time, "SEAL THE WORLD!! CREATE THE... BARRIERR!!!!!!" Then the spell was casted. Zethus Byleth watched in awe as the spell was being casted. "THE BARRIER HAS BEEN CREATED MY LORD!!"

Zethus Byleth cheered, "EXCELLENT MY DEAR!! Oh how proud I am of you Chrom!" Zethus Byleth giggled as he grabbed Chrom by the cheek. Chrom smirked as Rafal watched in anger.

"Of course, he's now the favorite child. I can't really argue with that... that's just how Zethus is..." Rafal sighed. He took a deep breath and turned around. Zethus Byleth walked up ahead as Chrom walked over to stand next to Rafal. "What the hell did you even do?"

Chrom explained, "I casted a spell to create an invisible barrier between the castle and the outside world. It's supposed to protect us from being spotted by the remaining heroes."

"Okay, but what if they find the invisible barrier? What's going to happen then?" Rafal questioned. Chrom stood there staring at him and then smirked.

Chrom explained, "We'll trap them here at this castle. Then we drain the remaining of their energy. Or... we will strike at them once they come closer to us."

"I see... you know a lot about this plan, I take it that Zethus talked to you about this?" Rafal questioned. Chrom nodded as he looked up into the ceiling. "Your lord... of course..."

Chrom laughed, "My lord indeed! I would do anything to make him proud!"

"You're just following slowly and slowly into his schemes. He doesn't care about you, not at all..." Rafal muttered. Chrom stood there staring at him in silence.

Chrom laughed, "My lord does care about me! Why else would I be the one chosen to cast the spell?! WHY THE HELL ELSE RAFAL?! GO AHEAD AND TELL ME YOU ANNOYANCE!! TELL ME!!!" Rafal stood there staring at Chrom in disbelief and then turned around.

Rafal groaned, "You're becoming obsessed with Zethus now... I missed when you despised the man, you had common sense back then."

"THAT WAS NOT COMMON SENSE!! I WAS BEING FOOLISH! WHY WAS I THE ONE TO DEFEAT ZETHUS?! I HATE MY OLD SELF AND I'M GLAD I CHANGED FOR MY LORD!!" Chrom laughed. Rafal turned around and walked off as Chrom followed after him. "My lord Zethus... I'll always make you proud."

"Yeah you do you Chrom..."

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