"Tell Or Face Horrors" ~ Chapter 120

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"Wake up Exalt of Ylisse... I have something to ask of you..." A voice muttered. Chrom slowly opened his eyes and realized he was in a strange room with other people tied up. All of them had blindfolds on their eyes, they were all tied up.

Chrom asked, "W-Where am I?" He looked at everyone and noticed those were the heroes. Yet... they appeared lifeless, were they dead?

"Your friends are perfectly fine here, they're just all silenced and sound asleep. Soon you will be too," The voice replied. Chrom looked over and saw that there was a speaker. Chrom was unsettled by the entire setting. Then someone walked in, it was Byleth.

Chrom said while in anger, "I know that's you Zethus... you are trying to take over Byleth's body because you know for a fact you can't seem to quit after I killed you..."

"AFTER THAT FRIENDSHIP BLAST I SWEAR TO KILL YOU!!" Zethus Byleth screamed. He then put a dagger into Chrom's eye. Chrom grabbed onto his seat in pain, trying to fight through it all. Zethus Byleth took the dagger out and stared down at Chrom.

Chrom muttered, "You... will never take me alive... even if you continue to ruin my entire life."

"Let's see how you can handle this then? I set up a little device for you to be in, known as a torture chamber," Zethus Byleth giggled. Chrom sat there as he began to shake.

Chrom muttered, "A... A torture chamber?"

"Come along," Zethus Byleth giggled as he pulled the rope off Chrom. Chrom kept his hand in his eye as Zethus Byleth healed it. Instead of healing it though... a flower spawned directly on it.

Chrom asked, "W-What are you doing?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Zethus Byleth didn't say anything, he walked down the hallway and brought Chrom to the chamber. He shoved him in there and locked the door. Chrom looked around and found a mirror on the wall.

He looked and saw that the flower that was on the eye he was stabbed on... it was a rose. He started to panic as he didn't know what else Zethus was trying to do to him.

Zethus Byleth sighed, "For the longest time I wanted to make sure I hurt you... I didn't traumatize you enough with that war so I suppose that I will have to torture you in order to ensure that I do..."

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!" Suddenly Chrom felt himself coughing. Then out of his mouth came out roots of flowers and blood. "What... what is this?"

Zethus Byleth laughed, "Some call it Hanahaki disease but it's not really Hanahaki if it's not unrequited love... so it's something I say... Forgotten."

"Forgotten?" Chrom asked as he looked down at the roots on the ground. He felt the inside of his mouth when all of a sudden he began to cough more. He fell onto the ground as he felt something pierce him from behind.

Zethus Byleth asked, "Does that feel nice?"

"I..." Chrom gasped. The lance was pulled out and Chrom was unable to move. He was on the ground in agonizing pain, he was unable to move, unable to speak. Suddenly his mouth became full of flowers. He was about to suffocate.

Zethus Byleth sighed, "The Forgotten is just a spell I place, it fucks with your brain and goes ahead and tortures you in unique ways. You happened to get the flower symptom of this entire spell..." Chrom looked up at the ceiling as he saw it open slowly.

Chrom muttered, "What... is that..." Chrom felt himself becoming lightheaded. He was unsure if he could survive the flowers in his mouth any longer. Blood started to cover his entire body, he was unable to feel anything.

"Come on... give in..." Zethus Byleth muttered. Then he pulled a lever. An axe appeared on the ceiling. "At any point this axe will fall on you if the flowers don't end up killing you first. I just need you to give in."

Chrom managed to spit out the flowers and took a huge inhale. He looked at the ceiling, afraid of the axe to fall down on him. "Why... Why does it have to me?"

Zethus Byleth shouted, "BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT!! YOU ALWAYS RUIN MY PLANS AND THIS IS MY PAYBACK AFTER EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE!! YOU ARE NOTHING!!" Chrom looked around and saw a window. Zethus Byleth was staring down at him, while smiling. "Time to die..."

Chrom asked, "What do I need to do?! JUST TELL ME AND I'LL DO IT!!" Zethus Byleth looked down at him, he was about to pull the lever and then thought for a moment.

Zethus Byleth giggled, "I just need you to transform to Despair. You're a hard one to change..."

"Never... my answer is NEVER. You will NEVER have me change to becoming despair induced..." Chrom ordered as he clutched his stomach.

Zethus Byleth sighed, "Then I suppose death is your only option. Unless you tell me what your secrets are."


"Alright... that's your last call..." Zethus Byleth giggled. Chrom's eyes widened in shock as Zethus Byleth pulled the lever. "Goodbye... I'll just revive you with the despair influence myself since you're so goddamn pathetic."

Chrom shouted, "NO-" Then the axe landed on him directly, and he instantly died. Zethus Byleth smiled as he got out of the room and walked into the torture chamber. He removed the axe from Chrom's body and looked down at his lifeless corpse.

"Now... it's my turn to revert you to the correct ways... then... the heroes will have no chance in stopping me..." Zethus Byleth giggled as he raised his hand. Beginning on the spell...

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