Standing Blades of Crossword Times ~ Chapter 77

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"Byleth, we have a report," Ephraim sighed. Byleth looked over and saw that Ephraim had a note in his hand. Byleth silently grabbed the note and read it over. It said that Rafal, Eirika, and Ike were on their way to the town, saying that they had the scrolls with them.

Byleth laughed, "Fantastic. Since they have the Lythos scrolls with them, all we need to do is make sure we get the mansion scrolls that THEY stole from us... I still can't believe Marth burned himself alive just to protect the scrolls. Pathetic..."

"I understand how you feel Byleth but we need to stand strong and make sure we can fight our way through this all. We can get the scrolls back from the Mansion, you're intelligent enough to be able to get a reading from the mansion. Try doing it," Ephraim replied. Byleth nodded as he used his communicator to see if he could locate the scrolls.

There was nothing from what Byleth was able to see through the communicator. But he knew one thing, the heroes were dashing to the mansion as quickly as they could. Byleth had to act quickly before they arrived. "There," He pointed to his communicator where the scrolls were located.

Ephraim asked, "Are we going there right now?" Byleth nodded as Ephraim dashed ahead. Soon, Meta Knight and Beth followed after Ephraim. But Byleth stood where he was, he wanted to fight the heroes head on in order to slow them down. He took a deep breath and took out his sword.

"There you are, you annoyances..." Byleth mocked. The heroes stood there staring at him. Soon Byleth saw that Alcryst was no longer infected. "I see that you managed to get Alcryst out of that mindset! Dare I say I'm impressed..." The heroes glared at Byleth as he spun his sword around.

Shez grunted, "Out of the way, you're never getting your hands on the scrolls."

"I beg to differ actually..." The group stared at him as they heard a loud crash in the distance. It was the group that raided Lythos Castle. "See? You're going down whether you like it or not..."

Kirby shouted, "IT'S THREE AGAINST FOUR I KNOW WE CAN HANDLE OURSELVES!" The heroes nodded as the villains smiled at them. Then they all started to clash blades with one another. Loud clashes could be heard from every corner of the town. Meanwhile, the other villains were getting the scrolls out from the compartment they were stored in.

"You got them?"

"Yep..." Ephraim smiled at the scrolls as the rest of them left the room. Meanwhile the heroes were struggling to keep their guard.

Alcryst muttered, "I'm not doing as best as I should be doing... I'm so sorry for being so useless."

"Nonsense! We're just trying our best!" Shez then got hit in the face with a kick from Ike. He fell down and already saw that blood was coming down his nose. He looked up in anger as Byleth smiled down at them.

Byleth laughed, "Pathetic aren't you all? I love to see you thrown all over the place. I haven't seen the heroes win in a while!"

"Because you keep beating our asses?! You also kidnapped all the heroes and s*** like that!" Shez yelled. Byleth stared down at him and rolled his eyes. Suddenly they saw a soaring slash in the distance.

"HAH!!" Byleth fell directly onto the ground as the person hit him on the ground. The three looked over and saw a blue cape and a crown. It was... Chrom! "YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

Byleth asked, "W-What the?! What are you doing out of your prison!? You were imprisoned! How did you do that?!"

"You forgot I ordered my entire family to take shelter and to hide away from you. They found me and freed me, now you will PAY!!" Chrom explained. Byleth glared at him and kicked him off. Chrom slide backward and got ready to fight.

Alcryst whispered, "He's... so inspiring. Knowing to never back down, incredible!"


"I WAS BORN READY TO DEFEND!" The heroes nodded as they got their stances better. Suddenly in the distance they spotted two more people. Alear and Veyle had made it to the scene.

Rafal laughed, "Look at that! The heroes got more friends!" The heroes glared at the group as the other villains arrived with the scrolls.

"We got the scrolls, I don't want to deal with these losers..." Then soon they disappeared from the scene. The heroes wanted to go after but they were unable to.

Chrom muttered, "Damn it. This man does not know when to quit..." The heroes looked over to Chrom and Alear. Chrom had a cut across his face while Alear had a bandage wrapped around her face.

Shez asked, "What happened to you when you were fighting them!? Where are the rest of the heroes!"

"For Lythos, they raided us with three people. I eventually was defeated after Rafal hit me very hard with his axe. Veyle was focused on taking care of me when they got the scrolls in the library. Rafal's axe is insanely heavy..." Alear explained.

Chrom replied, "For Ylisse, they raided us with everyone on Team Villain. Byleth fought me hands on and attempted to stab me with a syringe. But soon they infected the rest of the heroes that were there at Ylisse. He took me in and imprisoned me in one of the cells in Ylisse..."

"I see... wow they are cruel..."

"They just won't back down, they are determined to get all the scrolls and make sure that they also get their hands on the crown. Now that they have all the scrolls... the Crown is next," Chrom explained.

Alcryst muttered, "Then we have no choice but to act quick, who knows what's going to happen if we don't?" The rest of the heroes nodded as they went to the mansion to discuss their next course of action.

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