Inner Despair, Outer Spectrum ~ Chapter 62

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Byleth attempted to slam his sword against Chrom but Chrom barely was able to block it. He shoved Byleth backward and put his hand onto his chest. He was beyond terrified but relieved he quickly reacted.

"Oh... so I suppose you're wanting to go the hard way don't you?" Byleth laughed. He took out a syringe and smiled at Chrom. Chrom got his stance ready but he was nervous. Sweat came down, he was afraid of the substance within the syringe.

Chrom whispered, "The despair substance is within that syringe. I have to be extremely careful..." He looked down at himself and then got ready again.

"HAH!" Byleth shouted. He dashed at Chrom and attempted to stab him with the syringe. However, Chrom jumped backward and shot an arrow at Byleth. Byleth fell backward and clutched his arm in agony as he felt the arrow shot sink into him.

Chrom asked, "Now it doesn't feel nice does it?"

"Oh shut up, you don't realize it but the pain you gave me is so amazing!" Byleth's eyes filled with more swirls as he smiled up to Chrom. Chrom became more and more unsettled as he watched Byleth get up, insanity was consuming him whole, nothing was going to stop him.

Meanwhile, the others were out fighting for the villains to stop attacking. The three worked as hard as they could to fend off the villains but they were overwhelming them.

"Face it! You all already know you lost this battle so go ahead and give up so I can chop your HEAD OFF!" Marth laughed. Albedo looked around and saw the other villains prepared to attack.

Albedo ordered, "Hajime, focus on dealing with Meta Knight and Eirika. Agent 4, focus on dealing with Ephraim and Ike. I'll deal with Beth and Marth." The two nodded as they split off. "TAKE THIS!" Albedo swung his sword at Marth but Marth was able to dodge it with ease.

Marth asked, "Is that the best you can do!?" Albedo raised his sword up and took a deep breath. Marth smiled at him as Beth dashed over and threw her sword at Albedo. Albedo barely dodged the attack and lost his balance. Marth dashed in and swung his sword at him.

"AGH!" He fell onto the ground dropping his sword. He looked up as Marth picked up his sword and smiled. Soon Marth took out a syringe, Albedo knew exactly what it was. "GET AWAY!" He kicked Marth away while Beth tackled him down.

Beth asked, "Now where do you think YOU'RE going?!" Albedo kept trying to fight out but Beth's grip on him was tighter than he suspected. Marth got up again and slowly started approaching Albedo again. Albedo kept on trying and trying but nothing worked.

Marth sighed, "You were fun to fight with; however, I'm afraid our fun has to end!" Albedo looked over at Marth as Marth got ready to stab the syringe into Albedo's arm.

"NO!" Beth tightened her grip on Albedo and Marth stabbed the syringe into his arm. Meanwhile, Hajime and Agent 4 did their best to defend but nothing worked.

Agent 4 asked, "How are you doing?"

"Not so good..." The two got back together as the other villains started gaining up on them. The two were terrified beyond their minds, the despair villains were scaring them.

Hajime asked, "Is this how we're going to be defeated? It just seems like we're losing so many fights!"

"We're only losing so many because we aren't confident in our abilities! Come on Hajime! We can do this!" Agent 4 yelled. Hajime nodded as they saw the villains getting closer and closer to them.

Ephraim sighed, "So you attempted to fight us... guess not everything works out in the end! How unfortunate it had to come to this..."

"WE WILL NEVER BACK DOWN!" Agent 4 shouted.

"Enough." The group looked over and saw Rafal standing next to the entrance. He slammed his axe against the soldier, instantly killing them.

Hajime asked, "Is that..."

"Byleth's new partner in crime, his name is Rafal," Agent 4 replied. The two looked around and saw Rafal walking over to them. However, he didn't seem to have any reaction. Soldiers came over to attack him but he killed them with the axe.

Hajime asked, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" They were about to run away when Eirika and Ephraim grabbed them from behind. Rafal walked over to them. Blood was all over the premise of the castle borders.


"Aww are you afraid of us? How can you do this to us? We're trying to be helpful..." Marth mocked.

Rafal ordered, "Enough you guys." He walked closer to the heroes who were beyond terrified. Afraid of who Rafal was underneath the shadow. Meanwhile, Chrom slammed against the wall. Byleth took a deep breath and moved his hair from his face.

"Do you forfeit?"


"Aww, that's too bad..." Byleth then slammed his sword against Chrom. He was injured terribly. "Now... if you excuse me I'll go get the scrolls now..."

Chrom whispered, "You... monster..." Then he passed out as he continued bleeding. Byleth smirked at him and continued walking down the hall. Wanting the scrolls...

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