✨MCXSIMEON FUNNY QUOTES+(them being ask if MC was worth it)

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[ being ask if MC was worth it after some sort of issue pops up ]


"Yep. They were."

"Plan A was.. marrying them a long, long time ago. Pretty much the first day I met them."

[ with a Yoda voice ]

"MC, marrying me will you be?"

"That doesn't matter. [ gesturing to MC ] This does. This is the only thing that matters."

"Not 'enough' for me? You are everything."


"I'm just very passionate about Italian food. In fact, I'm in love with Italian food."

"Everything I have, I owe to this exchange program. This stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing exchange program."

"I've never doubted for a second that you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"A lot of people told me I was crazy to wait this long for a date with a human. But I think, even then, I knew I was waiting for my spouse."

"I will raise 100 children with 100 of your lovers if it means I can be with you!"

"I just... I just want you to be happy."


"MC was worth it, nothing more and nothing less."


"That Human is both my pain and pride and not even lucifer will stop me from stealing her again."


Akari: *give you a flower crown when you worried at sisine and hanabi match*ah, mom don't feel afraid if I'm still here because I will still love you regardless of your situation

Simeon:hahahaha, isn't it true that we will protect your mother from any situation?

MC:*held your eyes from seeing their blinding smiles* it's bright

Simeon: bright you say?it's true the sky looks so bright today.

Akari: *spreading her wings above you to reduce the heat.* ah, should I reduce the sun's rays a bit?

Simeon:ahahaha, it's nice to be like that. how is MC?

(you don't mean the rays of the sun but the rays of their smiles which are so dangerous that they can take your own life.)

Mc:*nose bleed* i have see enought in my life.

(with that you passed out.)

Sisine: WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! HIKARI, right we told you not to stay too long by father's side!

(stopped its fight with hanabi stopped and immediately flew towards you)

Hanabi:*shake you hard*mother hold on! you are too young to leave us!

Hikari:ah, I'm really sorry dad for doing that to mom

Simeon:hahaha, it's okay after all you didn't mean to do it

Hanabi:*shielded her eyes. *Arght, how far can those rays go?!

you once took them to visit the always dark devildom but almost blinded all the inhabitants there with the two rays of the sun.
Michael: Do you have any idea how long have we been waiting for your reply?

obey me x mc one shot//with future family member//Where stories live. Discover now