Chapter 3 (Artham/Sara)

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Artham walked mostly in silence. Mostly in thought of Janner.

And some thought of Esben.

If you were to ask Artham, he probably wouldn't have admitted it, but most of his thoughts were on his brother.

His little brother.

His brother, the High King of Anniera.

His brother, the one he failed.

Artham couldn't let go of the fact that he had left Esben in Throg while he ran away, away from the Fangs and the Stonekeeper and the cold, dark, wet dungeon. Though he tried his best, he couldn't just let it go. He had always thought that if he'd just stayed in Throg, his brother might not have ever sung the song. That if he hadn't left, he would still be alive. It pained Artham to know that his brother was dead. 

'I failed him.'

'I left him.'

No matter how many times he tried to block those voices out, they still haunted him. They were reminders of how he had failed the king.

What's to say that this adventure, this hunt for the First Well wasn't like that?

What if it wouldn't work?

Artham would've failed both father and son, High King and Throne Warden. His family would be hurt. They might cast him out. 

Artham's thoughts on this were all false. But he couldn't help that. What ever would happen, it would happen. That was the Makers will. 

"Uncle Artham!" 

Artham snapped out of his thoughts to see his nephew looking at him, with concern.

"Are you alright?"

Artham sighed, then put on a fake smile. "I'm fine Kalmar, just thinking about what the day will hold."

"I think that's what everyone's thinking about." Nia said.

Kalmar nodded his head. "Probably."

Artham continued walking, in silence.

While Artham was thinking about the past, Sara was thinking about the future. Her thoughts, like everyone else, were of Janner.  She really, really hoped that the water would work. A few times Sara honestly thought that she wanted Janner to come back more than everyone else did.

And that, was not totally false.

As they traveled through a specific part of the forest, Sara noted some trees that were noticeably greener that the rest. Kalmar noticed it to, because he pulled the family to a halt. He and Artham went and explored the area, and just when Sara thought about giving up, a triumphant cry from Kalmar stopped her.

"We found it!"

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