Chapter 33

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"MAMAAA!!! KAL'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND NOW!!!" Leeli ran into the castle kitchen, shouting with glee.

Nia, who was helping prepare dinner, looked up. "What?"

Kal, who followed his sister, sighed. "Well, me and Galya started courting."

Nia smiled. "Congratulations!"

Kal offered a weak smile. "Thanks." He sniffed the air. "When's dinner?"

"Kal, why are you always hungry?" Janner asked as he and Sara walked into the kitchen.

Kal shrugged. "I dunno."

Sara laughed as Janner looked around at the food.

"Is there some kind of celebration party tonight?" Janner asked.

Nia nodded. "Since you are royalty, you must have a public engagement party, to announce it to everyone. I've been planning it for a while, and all of the invitations have already been sent. The keeper of the Green Hollows, as well as the king of Skree, among others, should be here soon."

"Um, since this concerns us," Sara said. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Nia smiled. "Well, we were going to surprise you."

"We?" Janner raised an eyebrow.

Nia laughed. "Yes, we." She motioned to Kal and Leeli. "Artham and Arundelle knew about it too."

"As usual, everyone knows what's going on beside us." Sara said to Janner.

He laughed.

"So, we are going to have a ball, and the celebration, inside the royal ball room." Nia announced. "The castle staff are already decorating it."

"Ooh, we should go see how it looks." Leeli said.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt." Janner shrugged, then left with his siblings and Sara to the ball room.


"Woah, this place looks really pretty!" Leeli exclaimed, walking into the ball room.

"Yeah, the staff did a really nice job." Sara agreed.

Janner nodded his agreement, while he watched Kal run around the room, with a few 'wow's and 'cool's here and there.

"This is going to be one fun ball." He mumbled.

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