We Meet Again

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A/n: agaaiin, I do not own this art, MoonCat Yao drew this, but I really like it -w- it's super cool :).

*Phantom's P.O.V.*

I finished cooking my famous squid ink spaghetti. Thine human is going to love it! Everyone loves my spaghetti!

To my great dismay, however, once I turned around, the large grin on my face disappeared. "Human? Where did thine go?" I ask. I heard hushed voices from around the corner, near the refrigerator. That must be thy human!

I heard the sound of some whoosing and swirling. Now what in the brave barnacles is that concerning sound? I must keep an eye on the human...! They might be hurt!

I hurried around the corner, still with the plate of spaghetti I made. I watched a foot disappear into a strange swirling circle that was almost like the portals Master used. I wasn't going to disappoint Master by letting thine human get away. I will capture you! And make sure you are safe of course. Safe. Safe.

No other thoughts went through my head but those and my only goal was to retrieve thy human. I stepped in the portal and it almost immediately closed once I did.


>(Y/n)'s P.O.V.<

Paperjam and I were in the dark room. A room much darker than the rest of Nightmare's castle. Nightmare...I hope he's fine. A shiver went down my spine as an eerie cold breeze swept through my hair, and I could not light my flames for a light source. I could not see, I could not even think any longer. It was like we entered a zone of absolute darkness.

"(Y/n)," I heard Paperjam say, though it was a bit disoriented and it echoed a bit. "Stay close to me." Their voice drifted even further.

"Wait, where are you?"

"Right next to you." they replied and the floor lit up a path beneath me. "Follow this path and you'll be fine."

I nodded, walking along the shifting path that changed from pink to yellow each time I took a step. The feeling of the deep darkness wrapping around me reminded me of Nightmare's presence. It was almost endearing and warm, but at the same time, held mystical shadows of hidden secrets.

Eventually the sound of our footsteps faded away and we were left in a silent void where the only thing visible was the fading path of colors. Suddenly, each step I took became heavier and my feet dragged and stuck with what looked like paint or tar. Then it was like I took a fall-- I slipped right through the path like it was a window to another world. I was falling, falling, falling, until I landed in a bed of violet and golden flowers.

I stood up weakly, shaking off petals. I looked around for Paperjam, for Batfang, for anyone. 

Nobody was there. I was alone.

Where am I? Should I have trusted Paperjam? 

An eerie silence followed.

I sighed and began walking to find a way out. I gasped when something gray and fading caught my eye. I turned to a sharp left and followed a path of darkening yellow blossoms, and then I was there.

I was in front of the statue of Dream Sans, and he was staring blankly at me.

"Boo," a voice whispered in my ear. I hardly flinched, although I really wanted to, because sound was finally back.

"Where even are we?" I whispered. Paperjam shrugged. 

"The hidden part of Nightmare's castle I guess."

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