Chapter 24 - Him

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Taehyung's POV 

"Kyaaaa" I sighed, Lia literally stole Jungkook away from me and I glared at Aaron. 

"What?" He looked at me innocently. 

"Take your wife!" I said. 

"Just get married, Taehyung." He patted my shoulder and I looked at Jungkook who was currently talking to Lia and Yeji. He looked so beautiful and I can't stop admiring his beauty.

"Collect your drool." Aaron commented. 

"You're lucky I didn't kill you earlier." I hissed. 

"Or what? At least you have to thank my wife for sending her the wedding invitation." He said arrogantly and I rolled my eyes. 

"She will come back anyways." 

"Do you think you still can endure 1 month? Looking at your face everyday makes me sick." He gave me a weird face and walked away. 

I walked to Jungkook and put my arm around his waist. He flinched a little but when he saw it is me he talked to Yeji and Lia again. 

"Let's just get out from this wedding." I whispered in his ears and kissed it.

 "Eww get a room you two." Yeji protested. 

"It's your fault, you took him away." I said to Lia and she glared at me. 

"You should thank her, Taehyung." Jungkook elbowed me and my eyes widen. 

"What?" I looked at her. 

"Thank her." Jungkook said and gestured me to thank her. 

"For what?" 

"Go away from me." Oh crap! 

"Thank you Cho- Samuel Lia, you're so kind and-" 

"Okay no need to continue, I get it. Take him away." Lia pushed Jungkook to me and I smirked. 

"Where is my husband?" Lia blurted as we walked away. I held his hand tightly but suddenly my mom blocked our way. She gave me a pissed expression. Because I stopped suddenly, Jungkook crashed my back. His eyes widen as he saw my mother standing in front of me. 

"Hello." Jungkook walked and greeted my mom. 

"Hello, oh my you're so beautiful!" My mom shook his hand excitedly. 

"Mom." I warned. 

"What's your name?" 

"Jeon Jungkook, Mrs. Kim." Jungkook smiled widely and that makes my mom smiled. 

"So Jungkook, you did a really good job keeping my son in place." She stated and Jungkook looked at her completely confused. 

"Mom I-" 

"Shut it Taehyung!" My mom snapped and she pulled Jungkook away. 

Not again. 

I followed them and guess what? They went to my dad and I face palmed myself but still followed them. 

"Hubby this is Jungkook, the boy earlier that Taehyung kissed earlier." I sighed hearing my mom's statement. Can she make a better statement. 

"Hello, I think I know why Taehyung likes you." My dad smiled. 

"Really?" Jungkook chuckled lightly, he realised something. 

"I'm Jungkook, sir. Sorry forgot to introduce myself." 

"Call us by our names, Jungkook. I'm Ae-cha Kim and Ha-Joon Kim." My mom smiled. 

"Okay.." Jungkook smiled awkwardly. 

"I just got him so please let me-" I said but my mom cut me. 

"Don't be selfish Taehyung." My mom glared.  

"Mom!" I groaned but Jungkook gave a smile. 

"Don't be rude!" He hissed after giving me a smile. 

"Listen to him Taehyung." My dad said and I sighed. 

"So what is your job?" My mom asked excitedly. 

"I'm a writer Mrs- oh Ae-cha." Great just great, I'm going to be left alone. I decided to walk away and take a drink. I drank the drink in one shot because I'm damn pissed, I just got him back but people are stealing him. 

"Still have a bad temper?" HE whispered in my ear and I turned to him. 

"I still do and you're the one who always cause it." I said honestly. 

'It's a good thing though." That made me turn to him and just stare at his beautiful doe eyes.

"Care to explain Kookie?" I smirked. 

"Bad temper, bad attitude and bad brain." He mentioned it one by one as he gave me mocking smile. 

"Do you always have to get in my nerves?" I asked. 

"Is that your way to say you miss me?" He asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest. 

"Maybe." I smiled and he chuckled, suddenly he looked at the ground. I sense something is not right, I pulled his chin up so I can see his doe eyes. 

"Hey what's wrong? Did I-" 

"I miss my parents." He said and I pulled him into a hug. 

"I know." I  caressed his back softly, I kissed the side of his head to make sure he's okay. I know it's not easy to let someone go and I want to be the person who comfort him the most. 

"I'm sorry, I'm such a kid." He wiped his tears and I stared into that doe eyes. 

"Do you figure out something after going to Greece." I asked and he nooded. 

"Want to tell me?" I asked and he shook his head 

"Tell me." I said and he shook his head again. 

"If you both want to eat each others face you both look weird." Jin hyung passed by and I closed my eyes. Unbelievable! 

Jungkook suddenly cirlce his arms around my neck and he looked straight into my eyes. He caressed my cheek. 

"The fact that I started to miss your annoying tone, your bossy tone and your angry tone, the fact that I started to miss you and.. the fact that I think I like you." He smiled widely. 

"Is that so?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"Argh I hate you!" He let go his arms and before he turn around I crashed my lips on his again. Not caring about the people who see us. I miss him and that's the most important thing. 

"You're annoying as hell." 

"No cursing babyboy." I gave him a peck on his lips and he glared at me. 

"I don't want to ruin that little mouth of yours." I smirked. 

"Suddenly I have a thought to go back to Greece." He said cheerly and I shook my head. 

"If you already come back to me, there's no going back." I smirked and he just rolled his eyes. 

"So you like me?" I asked planning to tease him. 


"Aww I like you too." That made his head turn to mine, his eyes widen. 

"Joking I don't like you." I said as I put my serious face on. 

"Greece is calling me back and I'm going to go." He said and walked away from me. 

Everything will always be interesting when he's around. 

End of chapter 24. 

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