Chapter 22

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Shemari and I released hands after the prayer ended and we sat down in our chairs. I pushed the curly strand of hair out my face and waited patiently as the bowl of salad was being passed around the table. Our hands slightly brushed each other's as he passed me the bowl and chills ran up my arms. Had I really missed Mari that much?

"Damn, Tia,"

I took the tongs out of the bowl and plopped the Caesar salad on my plate and then passed it to B who was sitting next to me. I picked my fork up slowly and stabbed it into the greens. I felt eyes on me as I slowly chewed my food.

"How are you, Tiana? I haven't heard from you in a minute," B nudged me with his elbow and a stupid grin on his face.

"Bruce, please shut up. Your ass just text me twenty minutes ago," I rolled my eyes and saw my mom glaring at me as the curse word left my mouth.

"My bad," I mouthed to her across the table and turned back to B who was trying to hold in his laughter.

I rolled my eyes and scanned the table seeing that everyone seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves. I was praying that no one would ask me about our relationship because Shemari and I hadn't said a word to each other. I barely even acknowledged him when he came in. I didn't want to speak to him and I'm sure he felt the same way. Thanksgiving dinner droned on and my fake smile and happy demeanor was becoming tiring. I felt like putting on my headphones and going upstairs to the guest room and lying down. But, knowing my family, that wouldn't be an option.

"Hey, Tia come with me to the kitchen real quick. I need help carrying the cakes and pies," Mom said and swiftly got up from the table.

"Yes m'am, " I responded and slid out of my seat accidentally bumping Shemari as I got up.

He said nothing but just eyed me with a look that I couldn't read on his face.

"Excuse me, bae. I mean, I mean Shemari," I stuttered. I mentally face-palmed and walked away before he could comprehend what I said.

I muttered curse words to myself as I walked to the kitchen. I've made up my mind that I'm not fucking with Shemari but it's not coming out that way at all.

"I'm gonna carry the pecan pies and the sweet potato pies. Can you get Aunt Lorrie's red velvet cake?" She asked carrying all of the desserts in her hand.

"Yea, I got it," I said quickly.

I grabbed the large glass container, which held Aunt Lorrie's delicious masterpiece that I couldn't wait to get a big piece of. We returned back to the table and Shemari was in deep conversation with my father.

"Who's ready for dessert?" My mom asked enthusiastically.

"You know I'm ready for whatever Aunt Lorrie made," Shemari said with a Kool-Aid grin on his face that made me sick, a mixture of butterflies and annoyance.

Everyone laughed but it was true, Aunt Lorrie could throw down in the kitchen. My laugh was forced and my smile hurt my cheeks so I quickly put the cake down and walked back to my seat. His whole being was annoying me at the moment. I waited after everyone got their piece and then cut myself a slice. As I stuck my fork in my cake, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw it was my grandma, my Dad's mother. My grandma and grandpa on my mom's side couldn't make it this year because they were on a cruise. But, my Grandma Delia and Grandpa Sonny came up from New Orleans as usual with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Grandma Delia or Grandma Dee as I call her is a fiery Louisiana Creole woman that could easily see through me and I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.

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