Chapter 15

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I immediately leaned off of Shemari's chest and swung my legs off the bed. I wobbly began to put on my scattered clothes from the floor and collect my phone and purse. It felt like everything was going on in slow motion as Shemari pleaded with me to stay. I don't even want an explanation; I'm beyond hurt right now. It may be childish not to address Shemari and ask questions but I don't have the energy to ask him about him or B's lovechild.

"Calm down, Tia. Listen to me," Shemari yelled as he grabbed my shoulder but I pushed him off.

Angry, sad tears trailed down my face as I thought more about the news. I walked down the stairs into the main living area and made my way to the door. He was jogging down the steps behind me.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down. Put yourself in my shoes, Shemari. Think about how it feels to be me for just a minute," I sobbed, lacing up my Timb's.

I grabbed the knob to open the door when Mari pushed the door close. He grabbed my waist and turned me around to engulf me in a hug as I cried into his chest. We were doing so well and now it feels like the Band-aids are being ripped off of our healing wounds. I cried for at least thirty minutes until I finally gained the strength to leave.

"I have to go, Mari,"


I put my sunglasses on my puffy eyes and walked to my car. The only person in the whole world that knows how to cheer me up when I'm feeling like this is Angie. I text her letting her know it was an emergency and I was coming over. After about twenty minutes, I was knocking on the door of her apartment near Taylor's boyfriend's house.

"You sound like the police, Tia," Angie said annoyed.

I chuckled lowly and walked in.  I sat on the couch beside her baskets of folded clothes and linen.

"I'm so done," I cried and the tears came crashing down my face once again.

Angie let me lean on her shoulder as I explained the whole B, Shayla, and Shemari situation telling her that Shayla was now pregnant. And as if on cue to remind of my options, my phone lit up with a text message from Rod.

Rod: Fuck that nigga that you love so bad/I know you still think about the times we had/Fuck that nigga that you think you found/ And since you picked up I know he's not around/I'm just saying you could do better/ Tell me if you've heard that lately

I guess he's been missing me too. It seems he's tired of me putting him off only to be hurt again and again.


I didn't even run behind Tia to stop her again. When her mind is set on doing something, she doesn't care about what she has to do to get it done. She does it. That's just how she is. There was no way I'll be able to make her reason with me or probably get back with me again. She's crying about how it feels to be in her situation but not once did she think how it feels to be me. I got my boy having a 50% chance of being a father over a side chick. Not only do I feel responsible for his pain but I also might be having a child. I've always wanted a family but I don't think I'm ready for it to happen like this. My head was racing with thoughts and I decided to call the smartest woman on the planet, my mother.

" Good afternoon, Ma," I spoke into my phone as I pulled out my shoes and decided to pick out my outfit from the bottom up.

"Hey, baby," Mama spoke softly into the phone.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you shopping and to lunch,"

"Do you want something? You always try to butter me up when you want something, "

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