Chapter 9

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After I picked up Erin from her house, we drove to the closest Starbucks to our school, Grady High, so she could eat breakfast. She didn't really say much to me. She just text on her phone and turned on her usual morning playlist to get the day started. I didn't mind her not talking to me though because I needed to focus on my own thoughts. When we made it to Starbucks, I lightly nudged her shoulder so she could order.

"What do you want?" I asked as she ran her hands through her wavy hair.

"Ummm... Just get me the usual," she said lightly and turned her attention back to her phone.

I ordered two muffins and her caramel frappuccino and a cinnamon dolce latte for myself. When I got to the window, I grabbed the food and sped off to school. When we arrived, I saw my boys, Andre, Brian, and Nick and walked to go dap them up while holding Erin's hand.

 "What's good Trey?" said Andre dapping me and then hugged Erin.

 "Nothing much, just dealing with all the bullshit that happened at Khalif's party," I said walking in to our school. 

"Oh yea? I heard about that, but I didn't text you about it cause I thought they were rumors. I thought Khalif wanting to fight you was about something else," said Nick while he was winking at this girl.

 "Nah, it's true. Me, Erin, Khalif, and Tay got into a big argument at the party. I violated though, I would've been pissed if I caught Erin with her friend Robert," I said looking down at an annoyed Erin. 

"So let me get this straight, are you and Khalif fighting or nah?" Andre asked in this annoying ratchet girl voice.

"Bruh, chill with all that. Like I told y'all last night, I ain't tryna deal with him. Khalif would speak to me if he wants to throw hands. It's probably some hype nigga spreading rumors because he wants to see something pop off on the first day," I said and kissed Erin's hair and let her walk to her locker.

"True, so what's up with you and Erin? She seems pissed," asked Brian as we made our way to homeroom. 

"She mad or whatever. We're on a break right now but I'm gonna get her back though," I said confidently and slid into my seat.

The day progressed and nothing really happened except learning about what we would be doing in our classes and that was about it. The bell finally rung for school to be over and I was happy that I didn't have to deal with nobody.  I saw Tay while I was walking to one of my classes earlier and we hugged and had been texting all day. I told her we could chill later if she wanted to. As I walked to get in my car, Khalif was walking towards me.

"What's up?" I asked Khalif turning to face him. 

"Nothing really. Just been thinking about our whole situation or whatever," he said looking me straight me in my eye. 

"Yea, I have been too.  I wanted to apologize to you, it was never my intention to break you and Taylor up-" 

"Don't worry about me and Taylor. I just wanted to let you know that y'all need to create some boundaries and keep it there. Male best friends aren't an issue for me until they start interfering with my relationship,"

"I agree, I violated trust and disrespected you,"

"Exactly, which is why I felt like we could have this talk man to man without being physical. But, if you and her fuck up again, we fighting,"

"I respect that. I wouldn't want Erin doing the same thing,"

"Yea, so we good, Trey?"

"Yea, man. That'll never happen again,"

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