Chapter 4

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I sat on my bed thinking about the horrible start of my weekend. The biggest and the last summer party was basically the end of my relationship with Khalif. I've called and texted Khalif multiple times since Friday but he hasn't replied or answered any of my calls. I know I hurt him; I know how betrayal feels. Nothing hurts more than to give someone your everything but not get everything back from them. It makes you feel worthless and like giving up and you push away anyone that tries to get close to you because you feel like its gonna happen again. He said I was his first girlfriend that he never had sidelines with or cheated on because he wanted to leave that reputation behind.

"Good way to fuck things up," I thought to myself and chuckled uncomfortably. I attempted to call him again and he answered.

"What Taylor?" Khalif said angrily.

"Can we talk please? You just left Friday without giving me a chance to explain myself," I said softly.

" What Taylor?" he said sighing.

"That was the only time that I did anything with him. The only time and we got caught up in the moment, those things happen, you know?"

"You really expect me to believe that. How do I know you aren't lying like you lied before? You told me you did nothing with him and you wouldn't do anything with him. I trusted you, girl. Don't you think I know those things happen? That's why I wanted you to stop talking to him like y'all were together or some shit,"

"I know Khalif, I know but that can change. I just don't want to lose you,"

"But, how can I be in a relationship with someone I can't trust, Tay. Tell me that. We'll be playing around if I can't trust you. I mean damn, do you know how much I put aside for you? How much I sacrificed?"


"No, obviously you don't. I wanted everything for us to be perfect. I was tired of hurting girls and making them feel bad. I wanted to give you everything I should've gave them. A real, honest, and trustworthy boyfriend. I gave you that, you making me reconsider if I should do that again,"

"So by me fucking up, you reconsidering if you should be honest with people? Don't be a liar and cheater just because somebody lied and cheated on you, Khalif. That doesn't make sense. Don't be an asshole to any other girl just because I took you for granted, ok? At least do that for me."

"I hear you, Tay,"


"I just need time before I consider what we're gonna do. We need a break; if I can't trust you, I can't be with you. I need you to figure out you're boundaries with Trey if you want me. If not, then I guess we're over,"

"I want you, Khalif,"

"Well you can't kiss me and kiss Trey. You need to figure your shit out. Until then, we're taking a break,"

"Bye," I said and hung up the phone and laying on my bed in a daze and thinking about Trey and Khalif. I can't be with both. Trey has definitely been there since day one but he can't be my number one not if I'm with Khalif and he's with Erin. The feelings that I have for Trey will just have to be put aside if I want to keep the man that I have. That hurts but it is what it is.

I got up from my bed and looked in my closet to find the best outfit for the first day of my junior year. I decided on wearing my Jordan jersey, black leggings, and my reverse Concord's with gold jewelry. I put that at the foot of the bed and quickly threw on grey sweatpants, a white tee, and my red Toro Bravo 5's. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and tied a black bandanna around it. I took a picture in my floor length mirror so I could post it to my Instagram later. I was becoming quite popular on Instagram like my sister Tia and most of the followers that I have I don't understand how I have them but I guess it comes from the fact that I model too.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed the keys to my mom's black Mercedes and hopped in. I needed to get my nails done and get my hair done at the Dominican Salon at Camp Creek. Mom was also cooking a big celebration dinner for the start of the new school year at 4 so I had a little bit of time to kill.


All my boys were hitting up my phone talking about how Khalif wanted to fight me tomorrow, which was the first day of school. I know Khalif well enough to know that if he had something to say, he would say it to me and not let it get around the whole school without him talking to me personally. He already punched me; I don't know what else we need to be talking about. I replied back to my boys in a group message telling them that they know better than to listen to bullshit and that people would love to start off the year with a little drama. I put my phone on my nightstand and got up to take a shower.

I stripped off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. My abs were tight and my biceps were big and chiseled but I needed to get in shape for basketball season this year. I wasn't eating as well as I needed to either so that needed to change if I was going to make the team. I turned on the water in the shower and got in and let the warm water wet my skin. I quickly washed my body and then started to think about everything that's been going on. Erin wasn't going to put up with my bullshit any longer, Khalif doesn't want to share what's his, and Taylor loves me but can't because of our situation. I'm going to have to live with our problems and do what's right. Taylor is my baby but Erin is my everything and basically my girlfriend. I have to be honest with her and not put her through any more than she's already been through, Erin has suffered enough. I turned off the water, dried off and tied the towel around my waist.

I picked up my phone and texted Erin.

Erin: You are my everything, my love, my number one, my little ugly, my headache, and my big head. I've put you through a lot over our relationship but you stayed because you care about me and you see through my flaws. I shouldn't have kissed Taylor because that betrayed the bond that we've created. You trust me and I betrayed that trust. I apologize for this. I can't drop her because that's my best friend and my day one; she's been with me through whatever. But, I promise to not ever let you down again if you take me back. I will make sure I'm the best boyfriend that you could ask for if you take me back. I need you because I love you.

Seconds after the text was delivered, Erin's name popped on my screen. I answered the phone.

"Hey," I said beginning to find some chill clothes.

"I got your text," she said her voice sounding hoarse and scratchy like she had been crying.

"You been crying, babe?" I questioned because I hated when she sounded that way.

She didn't answer but just began crying softly.


"Trey, I want you so bad but I'm scared that if I let you back in you'll hurt me again,"

"I won't, I swear,"

"Don't just say shit, Trey. This scares me. I don't have a problem with best friends or any of that but you have to create boundaries. You can't fucking hurt people. That isn't fair,"

"I know, I know,"

"Get your shit together, Trey. That's all I want. You don't have to drop her or anything. But, we aren't doing anything until you figure out what you're doing. You can't be with me and with her,"

"I know. I'm still picking you up tomorrow, right?"

"Yea, I'm getting my outfit together for tomorrow so I gotta go. Bye, Trey,"

"Bye Erin," I said and put my phone down and turned on the TV to Real Husbands of Hollywood to calm me down. Tomorrow was gonna be a hell of day and I needed to relax while I could.


Hey Guys,

I made this a short chap because I'm either posting again today or tomorrow. I'm introducing new characters in the new chap too. Also, I need you to VOMMENT (vote and comment) and let poeple know about the story. I am still in need of a better cover and suggestions of what the characters look like. Stay tuned for more drama :P



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