Chapter 7

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Angelie's bum ass fell asleep on my couch with her mouth open and I took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

QueenTia: Bums be like... @forever_angelie

 As soon as I posted, it gained likes and comments. I was kind of famous on social networks, I had a half million followers. I don't even know why I have so many; I just post stuff of myself, my friends, and what I think is funny.

"Beats me," I said to myself as I shook Angie.

 "What Tia?" she groaned and turned over on her side.

"Come on crazy, I'm trying to let you sleep in my bed," I said shaking her again.

"You want me, don't you?" she said laughing.

 "Girl please but seriously come on," I laughed as I helped her to her feet and led her to my bedroom.

 I got under the covers and put my phone on my nightstand, which was still buzzing from the likes and comments on the picture of Angie. I closed my eyes and let the sleepiness from the day's events take over me.


 I looked at the clock that read 8:00 and watched Angie sleeping peacefully by my side. I decided to get up and make breakfast as a surprise. I wanted her to know I appreciated her for all the things she does for me and being there when I needed her most. I threw on my pink robe and bunny slippers and walked to the kitchen. I decided on making cheese eggs, sausage, pancakes, and a fruit bowl. As I was finishing my last few pancakes, Angie stumbled to the stools in front of the bar and watched me cook.

"This is for me?" she smiled and chuckled lowly.

 "Yep, I want you to know I appreciate you for always being there for me and never letting me down," I said as I pulled out plates and forks. 

"Nah, you was just hungry,” she said pulling out two glasses and pouring orange juice into them.

 "I was hungry but I also love and appreciate my best friend. You're like my sister," I said as I plopped food onto her plate.

"Awww," she pouted and hugged me.

 After she hugged me, we started eating the meal I prepared. It was delicious, I was getting better and better at my cooking, my mom would be proud. When we finished eating, I put the plates in the sink and Angie and I quickly cleaned up the kitchen.

 "Damn Tia, you put down with the food," she said holding her stomach.

"Thank you, thank you," I bowed dramatically.

"You silly, but anyway what do you want to do today?" she asked. 

"Why don't we go shopping, eat some lunch, get our nails done, and then go to the club later," I said walking to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

"Sounds like a plan, I'm gonna take a shower in here," she said yelling from my hall bathroom. 

"There's towels and shampoo and all that in there too Angie," I yelled back setting up my speakers and putting on Partynextdoor's mixtape.

 I stripped off my robe and got in the shower letting the music and the water put me in a cool state of mind. I nodded my head to the beat as I dried off and walked to my closet. I looked around and noticed I needed to clean up; this was getting ridiculous. I put on a white long sleeved Polo tee since it was a little chilly out, gray sweatpants, and black Converse. I got my brown MCM book bag and a black beanie to go over my wet curly hair. Angie was sitting on the couch playing on her phone in dark jeans, a gray knit sweater, and spiked black Louboutin sneakers. I guess she got clothes from the stash she's left over here. When she saw me, we walked out the door and headed to the parking lot to get in my white BMW that my dad got me for my birthday.

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