Chapter 16

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"I can't believe you, getting head in the school bathroom? The bathroom is for shitting and washing your hands not for being a fast ass little boy. I'm just... I'm just so fucking pissed with you right now, Javier," Ma yelled to the top of her lungs as we drove away from the school.

I didn't say anything; I just looked out the window as she continued to cuss me out. She would ask me a question and as soon as I opened my mouth to answer, she would yell at me to shut up. There's no point for me to say anything anyway...

"You know I got you those Bel Air 5s that your ass been begging for and I've been saving them since I got them cause I wanted to wait and surprise you. Now, I may just give them to Byron or something,"

"Byron already has them though,"

"Shut the hell up, Trey. I don't wanna hear your goddamn voice!"

She proceeded to yell at me again and I tuned her out only trying to hear my own thoughts. We pulled up to the house and she told me she wanted the whole house spotless for the next three days since I'm suspended. Everything washed, folded, swept, ironed, vacuumed, mopped, and dusted. I hopped out the car and watched her drive off fast as hell. I wouldn't hear the end of this. Dad, on the other hand, could care less if I was getting head or not.

3 hours later

After cleaning with only the vacuuming left, I got my back up phone from out of my closet and called Alexis. She was a senior and was skipping today just because. She always liked me and what not but she understood that we couldn't be nothing more than friends with benefits. I fucked around with her while I was with Erin last year. Since then, I stopped talking to her as much because I was trying to be faithful to Erin. It's funny how she was the one who ended up cheating on me in the end. I called Erin like Tay said I should and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello, " she whispered into the phone.

"It's Trey," I responded blankly.

"Oh, hey baby,"

"Stop, I know you messing around and that's cool because you was too much to deal with anyway. You can't be real with me and to be honest I don't have time for nobody like that anymore. Either you with me or you not. Obviously, you're not,"

"But, Trey!"

"But, Trey, what? You kissing on another nigga now, go kiss on him!"

"You kissed Taylor and I didn't leave you,"

"I know and I apologized and after that I stayed faithful,"

"You know, Trey, you ain't even all that anyways. You a piece of shit-"

I hung up on her angry ass in mid-sentence as I walked out my room. I give zero fucks now, I'm not about to listen to someone cuss me out again today especially when they're in the wrong. Lexi pulled up in the driveway and I slid my phone in the pocket of my sweats. All I want is some head and to chill not the drama and the bullshit and I know Lexi can help me out with that. She walked up the winding steps to the house and stood in front of me with a smile. I embraced her in a hug and leaned down to give her a kiss but she mugged at me.

"That's how we greet each other now?" Lexi asked wide-eyed.

I laughed and picked her up by her waist, tossing her over my shoulder. I carried her inside as she kicked her feet and yelled at me to put her down.

"Trey!! Put me down," she yelled playfully.

"Uh, uh... Not until you give me a kiss,"


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