Chapter 17

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2 weeks later

I haven't seen Tia in 2 weeks and she claims she's missed me so she asked me to come over and spend the weekend with her. I needed a break from being around the house with Mommy and Daddy all day so agreed. I was throwing my hair into a high ponytail as I heard a honk from Tia's car outside. I slipped my feet into a random pair of Nike's by my door and ran downstairs.

"Bye, Mommy," I exclaimed happily and kissed her cheek as she was talking on the phone to Aunt Lorrie.

"Mhmm, yea girl. Hold up, Imma call you back in a minute, Tay is about to leave," Mommy said and ended the call.

I hugged her and she kissed my hair.

"Be good, Tay. Don't let Tia get you in trouble," she said with a chuckle and walked me outside.  She waved to Tia as I got in the car.

"Bye, Ma," Tia yelled out to her and Mommy smiled and walked inside.

"I told you to be outside at 3:30, it is now 3:35," Tia said with attitude as she pulled out of the driveway.

"Shut up, Tia. You extra as hell," I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to text Ayana.

Me: I'm with my annoying ass sister. I'll facetime when I get to the house.

Ayana: Ok ugly


"That party is tonight? Shit. What the hell am I going to do with Taylor?" Tia said to Angie, Kia, and India like I couldn't hear her.

"You know I don't like how all of you are talking like I'm not right here," I said but nobody seemed to be listening to me. I huffed and started scrolling on Instagram and began liking pictures and leaving comments.

"Why can't she just come with us? My sister Aria took me to college parties at her age," Kia reasoned as she ran her hands through her hair.

"I don't know man. I don't want something to pop off and Dad will bust my ass if something happens to her," Tia said with a sigh.

"If she stays with us then she'll be fine," Angie said and Tia nodded in agreement.

"She can be our designated driver too since she can't drink," India added laughing.

"Good point," Kia said and high fived India.

"Ok, now if Taylor gets drugged and passes out or gets abducted, I want y'all to remember this conversation. You all wanted to bring out my baby sister out into the madness of college parties," Tia yelled playfully.

"Nobody said you had to go, Tia. Your ass could stay here," Angie laughed.

Tia gave her side eye and gave her the "Girl bye" gesture. Angie rolled her eyes and they both laughed in unison.

"Nobody asked if I wanted to go, you know. I'm just gonna put that out there," I whispered.

"Cause we already knew your ass wanted to go," Angie yelled.

I rolled my eyes and walked to Tia's room with the rest of the girls. Kia and India started getting changed and explained to Angie how they wanted their makeup. Tia was in her closet trying to pull up some tight ass ripped jeans over her big ass.

"That ass too fat," I chuckled watching her as she continued to struggle.

"Right," Tia laughed and finally pulled her jeans up but they were still big in the waist.

None of our jeans fit us properly in the waist if they can fit our thighs. One of the many blessings we received from our Grandma Tiana who Tia's named after.

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