Chapter 11 Part 2

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Khalif and I stood their kissing for what seemed like eternity until I heard a car pull up in the driveway. Nobody ever comes home this early, fuck... I already got in trouble a while ago for having a boy in the house without asking and now it was about to be my ass for real. Mom said I was grounded for a week but after talking with my dad, they let me off because they knew Trey and I have never had a romantic relationship and my motives were innocent. Khalif on the other hand was my boyfriend and everything I did with him had to be monitored and supervised.

I moved quickly and told Khalif to hide in the closet. I ran upstairs and went to my bedroom and tried to make myself look like I was still in the bed. I ruffled up my hair and put back on my pajama bottoms. I looked outside to see if Khalif parked his car in the neighbor's driveway like he always did and his car was there as planned. Everything was going to be fine, I just needed to find some way for Khalif to leave without being caught. Seconds later, the door opened loudly.

"Taylor, I'm home," yelled Daddy from downstairs and I heard his footsteps coming up the steps. He walked into my bedroom and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey Daddy," I said smiling, looking up at his tall frame. My father stood at 6'4.

"Hey princess. Do you want to play a board game with me?" he asked happily.

"You don't have to do anything for the movie? That's surprising?" I asked confused.

My dad owns a small film company that's been becoming a big hit recently since so many filmmakers are coming to Atlanta. He's been working on his recent project for a while now and he isn't home a lot. The time that I do see him, he's usually working.

"Nah, it's being sent for editing. So, I have all the time I want with you and your mother,"

"Oh ok, that's great,"

"Imma go get the games from the closet, ok"

"Which closet?"

"The one downstairs. That's where your mom keeps them right?"

I tensed up and began thinking fast. He could not go in that closet or I'm done.

"I'm not sure. Let's make this easier and split it up. You should look up here. I'll check downstairs,"

"You sure, Tay? The doctor said for you to take it easy since your head was hurting,"

"Yep, I got it,"


As soon as he left the room, I jumped out of my bed and ran down the stairs to the closet. I opened the door and saw Khalif in front of the coats.

"Wow, great hiding spot," I said with sarcasm as I pulled him out of the closet.

"Whatever, Taylor. I'm 6 feet, I can't fit in a closet comfortably," he said and pulled me into a hug.

"Khalif, you have to go," I whined into his shirt.

"Taylor, I found the-.... What the fuck?" said Dad looking down from the top of the stairs.

Immediately, he ran down the stairs and his happy facial expression completely changed.

"Why the hell are you here, Khalif? Huh? Especially after I told you that I didn't want you here or want her over your house unless a parent was there. Didn't I tell you that?" Dad screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Daddy, I-," I stammered out trying to explain the situation but he cut me off not wanting to hear it.

"Taylor, go to your room. I'll talk to you later," he said between clenched teeth.

I walked upstairs with my head hung low and sat on my bed. There was nothing I could do now but await my punishment. I heard yelling and screaming from Dad and Khalif's voice apologizing. Next thing I knew, I heard a car drive away and the garage door open, which meant that my mother was now home. Just great. I also heard the front door open meaning that my father was back inside.

"Jordan! Who were you yelling at?" my mom asked my Dad and I heard her heels clicking on the floor.

"Khalif. Khalif and Taylor were over here together by themselves and I caught them, "Dad said sternly.

"Where is Taylor?" my mom asked.

"She's in her room, Leilani. I don't want to look at her. I'm beyond pissed right now. She knows better than to do some sneaky shit like this," Dad said softly.

Seconds later, I heard my mom open my bedroom door with her leather Moschino belt in hand.

"Taylor Aiani, I'm gonna ask you this one time and one time only. I need you to be honest with me. Why was Khalif in my house without me or your Daddy knowing?" she asked with one hand on her hip and the other hand with the belt.

"I missed him and I was bored by myself at home. I didn't know when you and Daddy were coming back so I asked him to come over," I said softly already anticipating the ass whooping I was about to receive. I haven't gotten an ass whooping in a long time, but I guess she's proving to me that I'm never too old to get my ass beat.

"Hmm, thank you for being honest with me but you already know what's about to happen. Get your phone first,"

I got up from the bed and handed her my phone. Next thing I knew, that expensive Moschino belt came in contact with my legs. Shit...


Shemari and I had been chilling for a minute and I enjoyed being in his company but the questions of last night were still in my mind. He didn't bring up the subject but I needed to know. He needed to know the shit was unacceptable and that drinking your pain away is not what he should be doing at all. His future is bright and he's gonna fuck it up by drinking every time something bad happens.

"Shemari, um can I ask you question?" I asked turning around from my position to face him sitting in his lap. He nodded his head and laid his hands on my waist.

"Why were you drunk and on the floor last night? You told me that you wouldn't do that because you didn't want to make the same mistakes that your father made-," I stated and he cut me off.

"Please, don't bring that up. We can talk about why I was drunk but I don't want to talk about my father at least not right now," he said with a sigh.

"Ok, fine. But, what happened?"

"You know B's girlfriend, Shayla, right?"

"Yea, I met her at India's birthday party last night. She's absolutely gorgeous and seems really nice. You know, she told me that she's seen me before,"

"Oh, really?"


"Well, she's one of my umm..."

"Your umm... what?"

"My chill buddies from a while ago,"

I looked at the awkward expression on his face and knew immediately what he meant by "chill" buddies. I knew good and well that Shemari doesn't "chill" with females especially with someone as beautiful as Shayla.

"Is this the same girl that you fucked with while we were on our "break"?"

"Are you gonna let me finish the story without anymore interruptions or are you just gonna make your own assumptions. Please, let me know,"

"Answer my question and I'll be quiet,"

"Yes, she was,"

I crossed my arms and allowed him to proceed with his story.

"Well, the boys came over yesterday for some late night 2k13 and we eventually ended up on the topic of Shayla. B never knew about her relationship with me and I never knew about his relationship with her. B and I talked about it and we decided to go to her house and confront her," Shemari said with a sigh.


B and I hopped out of my Audi and walked up to Shayla's house and knocked on the door. She took a while to answer but shortly after she came to the door. Her happy smile turned into a look of fear when she saw B and I standing in her doorway.

"Hello motherfucker," I said imitating the famous little boy from Vine.

"Hey. Uhh, why y'all here?" Shayla asked uneasily taking her hair out of her bun and letting it flow past her shoulders.

"Oh you know, Shay. Where's your southern hospitality? I know your mom taught you better than to have two guests standing in your doorway and you not invite them in," B said with smirk.

"Come in," Shay murmured annoyed and opened the door wider allowing B and I to step in.

We both slipped off our J's and placed them beside the door. We both sat on her sectional couch and Shay sat in the middle.

"So, you already know why we're here, you're not dumb. Just keep it 100 and we're gonna keep it 100 with you," B said while wiping his face with a sigh.

We both wiped our faces when we were mad and I could tell my boy was trying his best not to go HAM on Shay. Fucking with your man's best friend is foul as shit.

"What do you want me say? You both seem to know exactly what is going on. What do I need to tell you?" Shay said with a worried look on your face.

"Shayla, I am two inches away from going off on your ass. You know what you need to say. Stop playing dumb," B spat at her in frustration.

"I met Shemari at this festival in Piedmont Park, the Jazz Festival, the summer before freshman year. At the festival, we hit it off right then and there. Over time, we developed a relationship like a chill buddy, fuck buddy type thing because he told me he had a girl already. That girl being Tia, he told me they'd been together since their senior year at North Atlanta. He told me I was cool but he wasn't letting go of Tia. That shit tore me apart cause Shemari was the only nigga that I wanted and it broke me knowing that I couldn't have him the way I wanted to have him,"

"Go on, Shayla," I said softly wanting to know where in the hell B got wrapped in our mess.

"Time after time, I wanted to get back at you Shemari. For everything, because I hated the feeling of knowing that although I could have you for a night, Tia could have you all the time. So, I came up with a plan. I knew the best way to get back at you was to fuck with one of your boys. I knew about B cause you always talked about him and he was always tagged in your pictures and what not. I began following him on Instagram and found out he was going to be at a Memorial Day party, the same one I was going to and found my opportunity. Then, I began talking to B," Shay said teary-eyed.

"Well damn, Shay...You mean to tell me that you were using me the whole time? Only to get back at Shemari," B asked with a mood I couldn't explain. He looked angry and sad at the same time.

"No, B. After I got to know you, things changed and I began to fall in love with you," she said reaching over to touch him with tears now spilling out her eyes.

"Shayla, don't touch me," B said pushing her hands away with a scowl.

"Don't lie to my nigga, Shay. You been fucking me these past few months. Fuck you mean, you began to fall in love with him. People that are in love don't fuck with other people outside of their relationship, you were still using him by being with him," I growled at her angrily.

"You should take your own advice. You haven't kept your dick in your pants since you been with Tia. Females aborting your kids is probably some regular shit with you," she said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Shayla shut the fuck up. Ain't none of my women ever aborted my seed nor have I gotten anyone pregnant. Fuck outta here, witcho bitter, spiteful ass," I said sucking my teeth at her.

"I ain't got shit else to say to you either Shayla, you've crossed the line. I don't want to deal with you. I don't fuck with females that do this type of shit cause this means you'll do it again. I ain't the one for that kind of bullshit," B declared coldly.

"Let's be out, " I said and got up leaving a crying Shayla on the couch.

B and I put back on our J's and jackets and left the house. On our drive back, nobody said a word.

"Well damn, I know we supposedly turned over a new leaf recently but it still hurts to know you just openly admitted to fucking people recently," Tia said and sucked her teeth standing up.

"Tia, I just explained to you that whole story and you about to fuss about that. Baby, please. I'm done with Shay," I said standing up and towering over her short frame.

She looked up at me and folded her arms. She stood there staring at me for a while and then shook her head. She walked up the stairs with a sad look on her face.


I snuggled under Shemari's sheets and forced my tears not to fall out my eyes. I couldn't cry because of his cheating. I already knew what kind of man he was after proving to me time after time. Plus, I have skeletons in the closet of my own that made me feel obligated to stay.


Hey Guys,

What type of skeletons Tia got? How long y'all think Taylor gonna be on punishment? O.o Vomment and enjoy the chap loves. Oh and Happy New Year. Posted a chap today to start our year off right :P #2k14


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