Chapter 21

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Hey Guys,

In Shemari's POV, he has a flashback that I couldn't put in italics for whatever reason. It starts with a doorbell ring. After the scene is finished, it's back to present day. Just letting you all know to avoid any confusion. Hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment!



I had a long ass day at school and I was ready to go home. It was the Friday before Thanksgiving Break and I was done with everything and everybody. I walked out to the student parking lot to meet Tay at the car. She was driving us home today since my car was being repaired. Dad insisted I get the cheapest car possible for my birthday last year, there's always something wrong with it and I barely drive it. I normally end up driving my mom's Benz cause she usually drives her Range Rover. I snuck up behind Taylor and hugged her as she was talking to one of her friends. She jumped and started screaming as I picked her up and began spinning her around.

"You scared me, Trey," she whined and playfully punched me in the arm after I put her down.

"My bad," I said jokingly with a goofy ass smile on my face.

"No, you're not, I was actually in the middle of saying something serious to Ayana before you rudely interrupted, " she pouted, acting like she was hurt and turned around to talk to her friend again.

"Sorry Ayana, I shouldn't have interrupted y'all conversation like that," I explained with a smirk on my face as I turned to the girl in front of me. I think I saw her on the Junior hallway before, I actually think her locker was close to mine. She was cute but she was loud though and from what I know was always fighting and shit.

"Just get in the car, Trey," Taylor yelled at me and started laughing.

I chuckled at her and grabbed the keys out of her purse that were sitting on the trunk and hopped in the car. I turned it on and plugged up my phone to the auxiliary cord prepared to play that fire. I blared my music from the speakers and turned up the bass to my liking as I waited for Taylor to finish talking. After maybe twenty minutes, all I heard was yelling from outside the car.

I got out and saw a crowd of girls surrounding Taylor and Nicole who were going off on each other. Taylor told me about the incident that happened at the Homecoming game and it seemed like they were trying to relive it.

"Taylor!" I yelled, hoping she could hear me over the females around me. But it didn't seem like she could so I just decided to grab her and pulled her little ass away from the crowd. As I was dragging her arm, she was yelling explicits to Nicole.

"You mad, Nicole?" She taunted as I pushed her in the car and buckled her hype ass into the passenger seat.

"Shut up, Taylor," I growled at her and she pressed her lips together in a firm line as I slammed the door. She know good and well that her ass can't fight, I don't know why she wanted to start some shit. I walked over to the driver's seat as Nicole made her way to the car with the rest of girls behind her.

"Move out the way, Nicole and take your ass home," I snapped and hopped in. She was yelling more shit at us but I ignored her. I couldn't stand drama like this.

"What was that T? Huh? You know your ass can't fight!" I asked in complete annoyance with her as we headed out of Grady's parking lot.

"Shut up! She came at me, Trey. Her and the rest of her squad," Taylor sniffled as angry tears began pouring down her face.

"What did she want?"

"Shit, I don't know. People always trying to fuck with me nowadays,"

"Cause you have what they want. You smart, you got money, you pretty, you popular. Everything about you is intimidating to them, ok?"

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