Chapter 5

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No, not again, Shemari was calling me. I've been trying my best to keep myself calm but everyday it seems to be something different. I confront him and then, he apologizes. Once he starts to fix that, he messes up on something else. I don't get it anymore, we're a strained hot mess of a relationship and most times I don't feel like putting any more effort into it. I try to have a good attitude about all of this, but honestly I just feel like giving up. I don't have more to give. I remember when he told me he wouldn't mess up again when we got back together...

I walked into the crowded apartment with bags full of Ciroc and Patron to last us for the night and put them on the kitchen counter. When I went to go hug my girls Kia and India, I also saw Angie talking to Shemari in the corner. She knew good and well that I didn't want her acting all buddy buddy with him, we're starting to be cool but... I walked up to go speak to her and simply nodded at Shemari, but before I could walk away he tapped me on my shoulder. Shit...

"Yea," I said staring at his big brown eyes. He was fine as hell and the feelings that I was trying to reject were rushing through my body causing butterflies in my stomach. He had on a black and white HBA X Been Trill t-shirt,
leather sweatpants, and fire red 5's. His dread locks were retwisted and his edges were shaped up, everything about him seemed to glow. I wonder if it's just me or?

"Tia, can I talk to you really quickly, " he said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, sure" I said as he took my hand leading me to a clear area in the hallway by the bathroom.

"I can't sugarcoat this so I'm just going to be honest. I love you, Tia. Like, I really love you and I know it may sound stupid because I fucked up so bad and I shouldn't be begging you like this after I've hurt you, but I am. I miss you. I tell myself you should go out and find somebody else. But, I can't. All I can think about is you. I only see you in my future and-" he said with his big puppy dog eyes. He does this every time; he got me under some damn spell that I can't escape. He says the right thing and I'm done for.

"I love you too, Shemari, I said stopping him mid-sentence, but I can't be hurt anymore or taken for granted. I don't have the tolerance for bullshit right now and I won't let you fuck me up the way you did. Not you, not anybody," I stated feeling my eyes begin to swell up with tears.

"I wanna be with you baby, I'll change for the better. Anything for you," he looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I wanna be with you too, baby, but if you fuck up one more fucking time, I'm done. I'm just done, I won't allow that shit," I said as I wiped a lone tear from my eye.

"I'm not going to fuck up anymore. I promise. We'll go slow this time, ok?"

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed my hair.

"Damn... I missed my baby in arms," he whispered.

I ended recounting our memory with a sigh and pressed answer on my phone.

"Yea, bae," I said picking up the phone, sighing I really didn't have energy for another one of our senseless arguments.

"You haven't called or texted me in a week," Shemari said with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Great, now you see how it is for the tables to turn. How does it feel, Mari?" I said chuckling.

"You on some bullshit, fuck all that. Haven't you heard the saying don't fight fire with fire? "

" Shemari..."

"No, you supposed to be my lady and with me when things get tough, not make it worse. You over here doing the same foul shit that I've already apologized for. Could you stop? I mean, damn why you always gotta be so childish?"

"Mari, I'm the last one that needs to be called childish. I put up with so much shit with you, you don't even get it. I'm getting tired of this back and forth getting angry shit. Can we just-"

"Can we just, what??"

"I just need some time to think before I go further in this relationship,"

"You saying we need a break,"

"Yeah, I am and if you don't feel like taking a break and just ending it that's fine too,"

"Wow, that's how you really feel,"

"Yep, you don't do anything that makes me feel like I should be with you right now. I'm tired of this constant arguing. After some time for you to think things over, I hope things change,"

"For real Tia?"

"Yea, really. I just can't do this right now," and with that said I hung up the phone. I honestly didn't have the time or the energy to sit and listen to him beg me to think differently about my decision. He put all this shit on him; I honestly should've done this earlier in our relationship and let him know that I'm not playing about my feelings.

I got up from my messy bed and attempted to straighten up. I recently moved into a new apartment off of Camp Creek and I was really enjoying the space and freedom away from my parents. I love them to pieces but I always said as soon as I turn 18 I'm leaving the house and I did.

Now at the young age of 20, I've lived everywhere from with my grandma, my older cousin Tanya, my aunt Lorrie, I even lived with Shemari for a few months before I moved here. Now, I finally feel independent and confident on my own. I have a nice paying job, I'm in school at Spelman for accounting, I have a spacious apartment, and I still have enough money left over to spoil myself. Life is good, minus my relationship with Mari. I laid back on my bed unhappy with my attempts to clean up and decided to call my best friend, Angelie. I thought maybe she could come over and chill with me tonight. I needed to get out of this funk that I was beginning to get in.

"Wassup girlie," I screamed happily into the phone.


I can't believe that girl just hung up on my ass, I mean fuck I know I mess up but does that make it okay for her to throw shit back in my face. Damn... All my boys, Quez, Chevy, B, and Zay, were telling me that I needed to patch things up with Tia. I agreed; she is the only girl that I felt for on an emotional level.

When I first saw her, I was at the park with the boys playing ball and I spotted her walking past the court with one of her friends. I remember to this day exactly what she had on. She was wearing black jeans, a white tank top, a red plaid shirt tied around her waist, Timb's, and a gold Rolex on her wrist. She had the perfect shape: big breasts, a tiny waist, a big ass, and thick legs. Her hair was in a big bun on the top of her head and pretty diamond earrings in her ears. She had red lipstick on her full lips and the prettiest smile I've ever seen. She looked simple and delicate and confident. I missed my shot staring at her, shit I don't think I was even looking in the direction of the goal. I stopped in the middle of the game and ran to get her name and number. She played hard to get at first but at the end of our conversation she was blushing,

Now, I'mma be honest, in the beginning I had no intentions of having a serious relationship with her. She was bad as fuck but I still had plenty of other girls that I was fucking with that were bad too. Although, over time talking and spending time with her, I think I started to fall for her. It was crazy because the only people I've ever loved like that was my mom and my grandma, no other woman has got that close to my heart except how Tia did. Shit started turning for the worst as our relationship progressed and I fucked up bad.


Hey Guys.

These are the new characters Tia and Shemari, you'll see how they connect with Taylor and Trey soon. Also, to prevent any confusion, these POV's started on Friday and are happening the same time that Taylor and Trey were at Khalif's party. Please VOMMENT (Vote and Comment) and provide feedback; comments help me to know what direction I should head in.
Enjoy :)


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