Chapter 19 Part 3

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I was in the kitchen looking to find a snack when I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anybody nor were my parents home at the moment. I thought of all the people that could be at the door and couldn't come up with anything. I turned off the alarm and walked to open the door as the person knocked loudly again.

"I'm coming," I yelled hoping they could hear me over the bass of A$AP Rocky's voice in the background.

When I opened the door, I saw Taylor standing in the doorway with her head looking down at the ground. She looked up at me with mascara stains on her face and her eyes puffy and red. She wore a hoodie and black leggings with her long hair tied into a ponytail, her normal chill clothes if she was around the house or just visiting somebody.

"Khalif," I thought to myself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked anticipating the worst. Tears streamed down her face as her body shook from her loud sobs. I picked her up and began to carry her upstairs.

"Kha- Kha..." she stuttered in between big breaths and cries as I laid on her my bed.

I took a blanket out of my closet and tucked it around Taylor's short frame. Her body shuddered as she cried more onto a pillow. I slipped under the covers and wrapped my arms around her. I rubbed the small of her back and laid my head in the crook of her neck. I hated seeing her like this and I hoped I wouldn't have to kick nobody's ass today.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" I asked her, as the crying seemed to stop.

"Khalif... Khalif he... umm..." she slowly stuttered out still facing the wall.

"What did he do, Tay? Let it out, damn," I said growing impatient. I wasn't upset with her or nothing but I was growing angrier by the second.

"He cheated on me," she responded as she turned around and faced me. I pushed a strand of hair out of her face revealing her now pale face and swollen eyes.

"How do you know?"

 I haven't liked Khalif from the beginning. I think I saw myself in him, a nigga that says the right shit all the time just to get a girl. He never seemed liked a good guy to me. Taylor told me that he was a player at one point but he changed his ways. This shit tells me different.

"His phone was vibrating while he was in the bathroom. I asked him if I could check it but then he suddenly rushed to get the phone. Right then, I knew he was hiding something from me. Khalif doesn't run like that unless he's on a basketball court. He tried to feed me a whole bunch of bullshit telling me that his coach wanted him to practice running at all times. I was just like, "You're fucking lying,” I snatched his phone from him and saw he had been fucking with Erin.  I threw his phone against the wall and just started going ape shit and trashing his room,"

"He cheated with Erin? That nigga dumb as fuck,

"I know right. He told me that he was done with her. He told me he only spoke to her when he was throwing a party or something,"

"Erin doesn't just casually talk to niggas, man. I know that now. Many niggas have been telling me that she's a thot,"

"What happened to her? She wasn't always like that,"

"To be honest, I think I fucked her up. She didn't have high self-esteem in the first place and I constantly fucked her over. I knew the right words to say when I wanted to fuck and what to do to make her shut up. I was always cheating,"

"You produced a thot, Trey,"

"Yea, pretty much. I thought after I made an effort to fix our relationship, I would be able to fix all the damage that I caused... I guess it didn't work. I never wanted to hurt her though.  But in the end, I guess I got payback for all of the things I put her through,"

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