2. Always On My Mind

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Tell me that your sweet love hasn't died - Willie Nelson

12:58 p.m. Monday, November 8, 2021

"Chele!" Stan calls as she enters the church basement for practice. "So glad you made it. Remind me afterwards that I have a letter for you."

She gives him a side eye as she discards her hat and gloves so that she can don her fencing jacket. The snow outside has necessitated heavy boots, so she sits on the bench to replace the winter wear with the lightweight footwear she'll need today. "As an official of the United States Post Office, are you allowed to carry mail around with you?"

He glances side to side, then gives her a grin. "If I'm delivering it, yes. This one is special; it got lost along the way. It seems to have been caught in a machine somewhere, and your name and zip code kind of got blurred plus the top corner was ripped off."

Her forehead crinkles as she considers what he's said. "Junk mail?"

"Nope. Looks like someplace fancy. White envelope with individual airmail postage on it. Not mass marketing."

"Hmmm...strange. Okay. I'll read it later. Right now, I'm ready to warm up with some lunges."


5:51 p.m. Monday, November 8, 2021

"You're sleeping where?" Jeffrey asks.

"Listen, you know I appreciate you and Glenne putting up with me, but tonight I'm going to sleep at my own house," Harry explains, packing up his equipment from rehearsal.

"What about dinner?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Harry claps his friend on the shoulder. "I'm okay, Jeffrey. Promise. I'll just pick up some takeout on the way home. Or maybe I'll make some Asian tofu lettuce wraps."

Eyes wide, Jeffrey grabs Harry's arm. "You're going to....cook?"

This time Harry allows his exasperation to show on his face. "I'm not a child, you know. I can prepare meals all by myself now."

"Yeah, but you usually only stand at a stove when it's a bunch of us together. Not typically for yourself. What's going on, H?"

Lifting a shoulder, Harry feels sheepish. "Thinking I might be turning over a new leaf. Living on my own in Nowhere taught me a few things about myself."

His manager examines Harry, eyes flitting over the face of his favorite client. At least that's how he refers to Harry in his presence. In his mind, Harry is already putting together the list of ingredients he will need at the store: lettuce, ginger, tofu, Hoisin sauce....

"Whatever you say, H." Jeffrey moves towards the door, holding it open for his famous business partner. "I trust you. It's just a surprise is all."

"It shouldn't be," Harry bristles. "I've told you all about the place and its inhabitants. They're amazing people who were very kind to me, and I was able to explore me and who I am. You and Glenne should go..."

"For a visit. I know. You've told us many, many times. I can't help thinking something else must have happened there to change you into their ambassador, but if you're not willing to share...." Jeff escorts Harry to the yellow Ferrari.

Harry mumbles, "Nothing to share. Bowled some. Jogged some. Ate delicious food. Met some wonderful children." And their aunt.

Climbing into the vehicle, Harry decides not to wait for Jeffrey to have a prying comeback. Thanking him politely, he yanks the car door closed, immediately starting the engine and revving it before exiting the parking garage. He feels slightly guilty about his actions. In all of his time as Jeffrey's friend, he can't recall keeping secrets about a girl. The saving grace is that Mitch hasn't heard the details either. Without examining his emotions too much, Harry simply knows that he doesn't want to share HER with them. Not yet. It's too raw.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum