4. Still Writing Songs About You

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A man like me should find inspiration in anything - Old Dominion

7:58 a.m. Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Sipping her second cup of coffee for the day, Chele wraps her arm around her knee which is pulled up onto the chair. She's been awake since 5:17 a.m., her stomach in knots as she plans her trip to LA. On the table in front of her is a list with a pencil beside it. Not knowing how long she will be gone makes packing especially challenging. The Dawbell assistant had said to prepare to be in LA at least through Monday.

Excitement blends with nerves, causing inertia. What to do first? What can wait? Indecision and coffee create anxiety that stalls her.

When the doorbell rings, Chele jumps in surprise. Not only because it's early, but also because everyone she knows knocks on the door. Or more frequently just walks right in. Rising from the kitchen table, Chele glances at her plaid flannel pajama bottoms. At least it's not the Scooby Doo ones.

"Michele Moore! Why aren't you dressed? So much to do!" In bustles Franny with Mabel and Pattie. "We're here to help!"

Chele's head spins as the ladies take over, ignoring Chele's feeble protests.

"I'll work on a schedule for library coverage," Mabel states, settling herself at the kitchen table Chele had recently vacated. Reaching for the pad of paper, she begins sketching out names of potential temporary librarians.

Pulling on some long pink rubber gloves that she apparently brought with her, Pattie steps to the refrigerator. "You'll need to clean out your perishables since you don't know how long you'll be gone. I'll get started."

Wrapping her arm around Chele's shoulders, Franny marches towards the bedroom. "You jump into the shower while I sort through your clothing to see what makes the most sense to take. You can't wear those band t-shirts to a job interview after all."

Bewildered, Chele allows herself to be guided to the bathroom where she does as she's told, allowing the warm water to wash over her. Nowhere has always taken care of her, and while the intrusion wasn't requested, it feels supportive more than anything right now. Dazed after the phone conversation yesterday, she hasn't been able to get her feet under her. The choices and decisions are no longer hers, and she breathes a silent sigh of relief as some of the weight lifts from her shoulders.


10:58 a.m. Wednesday, November 10, 2021

"Harry?" Jeffrey asks, snapping his fingers in front of his client's face. "You okay?"

Blinking, Harry returns to the present. He'd been lost once again in a reverie about Nowhere and...he might as well admit it to himself. Chele has been on his mind. But there's so much to do in preparation for their first concert which is approaching more quickly than he would like. Yet her presence in his thoughts and her absence from his life have caused inaction. Lethargy.

"Yeah. Sorry, Jeffrey. There's so much to do, and it seems like there's no time to get it all done," Harry confesses. Picking up his bottle of water off the craft table at their rehearsal space, he watches as the crew resets the stage. What problem should he tackle first? There are so many.

"The lighting is still not quite right," His lighting designer Olive comments as she approaches them. "We're working on it, Harry. I know you like to have fluidity with everything, so we will run it manually, but I'd also like to have it automated for most occasions."

"Thanks, Olive," he smiles at her. "I appreciate that I can truly be in the moment with the audience. It's important to me."

Harry knows his fans like the personal touch he's able to give them at concerts, and it's part of what he loves about performing. The connections with individuals. He stretches his arms and shoulders with small circles, feeling a tiny bit of the anxiety lift from his neck muscles.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now