30. Family is Family

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And you're right back together like no time has ever gone by - Kacey Musgraves

1:42 PM, Wednesday, December 29, 2021

As often as she's been to New York City, Gemma should know where to go by now to meet the car her brother is sending. Rolling her suitcase behind her, she gazes around at the signs directing her. That way. With conviction, she marches in the direction indicated, arriving in the mild weather that should be freezing. Dammit. She had brought cold weather clothes. After all, it's winter. What the fuck is wrong with this town?

The question is rhetorical, as she knows quite well from her work with the Gates Foundation that global warming is real. Despite what some convince themselves.

Walking along the line of cars, she seeks the sign with her name, but there doesn't appear to be one. Had her bloody brother forgotten about her? Arsehole. She'll need to go back to the taxi line then. Bugger all.

"Gemma!" Her mother's voice calls, and Gems cannot believe that Harry has sent their mother to pick her up. He's really starting to get too big for his boots. Pasting a smile on her face, she envelops Anne in a hug, her eyes tearing up just a bit at the welcoming feel.

"I've missed you, Mum," she whispers.

"Same, my sweet baby girl. Same." Just when Gemma thinks Anne will release her, her mum instead pulls her more tightly. "He's got a new girl," she whispers in Gemma's ear.

Bollocks. Gemma will be expected to entertain the newest trollop and become her best mate. Not what she had planned for her New Year's holiday in America. Lifting her bag into the boot of the car, she clambers into the backseat.

"Gems!" Harry exclaims from the driver's side, and his sister is surprised for the first time this trip as she had expected a hired driver.

"You're a prat," she states, effectively making him raise his eyebrows. "But I'm glad to see you." She musses his hair, smiling internally. Fuck, it's wonderful to be around him again. Not that she would ever openly admit that to him.

"Hey! Hands off the goods!" he cries, throwing his hands up defensively as he leans to the mirror and repairs the minor damage she'd done.

"Oh yes. So lovely to have both of my children in the same city again," Anne sighs, but Gemma knows she's hiding her grin.

"Where's that manager of yours?" she asks. "You're working so he's usually around." Unless Jeffrey doesn't like Harry's current floosy.

"Working elsewhere. We've got the night to ourselves! A Twist-Styles evening is planned!" he brags, and Gemma can't help but roll her eyes.

"Oh yay! What kind of a night?" A quiet one, she hopes. Not Broadway or some show at MSG. It's been far too long since she's had down time. "I mean, after spending time with Michal's family, I really could use a simple, wholesome family night."

"Then that's what you'll get," Harry promises.


6:42 PM, Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Pushing back her chair after dinner, Gemma releases a very unladylike burp.

"Gemma Anne Styles!" her mother admonishes.

"Nice one, Gems!" Harry fist bumps her. He attempts to create a louder one, ending with a much tinier release of gas. As Gemma laughs at him, pointing, he swoops in as only her charming brother can with a "That was delicious, Mum."

"Thank you, Harry. Now you and Gemma can do the dishes."

In the kitchen, Gemma loads the dishwasher while Harry fills the sink to wash the few extra pots and pans that won't fit.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere Trilogyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن