6. Water Under the Bridge

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It's so cold out here in your wilderness - Adele

2:04 p.m. Monday, November 15, 2021

Chele can't breathe. Harry? What's he doing here? The air surrounding her suddenly disappears, and her lungs recognize the need to draw in a breath, but her mouth won't cooperate.

"Hi, Mandy," the man next to Harry says, holding out his hand to her new boss.

Focus, Chele. But she can't. How is Harry here? Is it Harry? Although it looks like Harry and smells like Harry, it can't be. He's staring at her like she's some alien from outer space. His eyes haven't left her face, and she can see the shock there. And dismay? What's that about?


2:04 p.m. Monday, November 15, 2021

Harry can't breathe. Chele? What's she doing here? The wheels start churning as Jeffrey greets the other woman. Wait. Had Jeffrey done this? Hired Chele out of some misguided attempt to make Harry happy? She looks surprised to see him. Surely she knew they would run into each other sometime when she accepted the job?

She looks gorgeous. Her hair is braided and twisted around into a very professional bun at the top of the back of her head. She's wearing light makeup which is unusual for her as she's usually clean-faced. It's how he prefers her. This look -- it's not the same. Not his Chele.

What had Jeffrey done?


2:04 p.m. Monday, November 15, 2021

"Hi, Mandy," Jeffrey moves to shake hands with the publicist. "I'm curious about this new promotion strategy. Do you think it will make that big of a difference?" Why is Harry acting so strange? He's usually Mr. Suave when they meet someone new, turning on the charm and the dimples like most people turn on the water faucet. Damn it to hell. He's been off his game since returning from that little vacation he took and whatever girl he met there. Maybe Jeffrey should do some research?

The woman smiles broadly. "You better believe it. Listen, Harry has a large audience already, but if we can spread the word further about his charity work and how he treats his fans, we'll get traction in markets we've never imagined. Plus there's the storytelling aspect of it. Everyone who reads this is going to wish they were the person traveling with Harry. And it will seem like it with the way this woman writes. She's so talented. Let me introduce you."

"Chele Moore. This is Jeffrey Azoff and Harry Styles," Mandy politely states.


2:04 p.m. Monday, November 15, 2021

The newly hired woman doesn't respond as she seems to have eyes only for Harry. Great. Did Mandy make a huge mistake? She can't have a writer who is frozen at the sight of her subject.

"Chele?" she asks again, this time cupping her employee's elbow. Appearing to shake herself, the writer inclines her head towards Azoff, shaking his hand and adding a smile that is sure to win the manager over completely.

Thank goodness. Mandy had been concerned for a minute there. The look in her employee's eyes had been concerning. Mentally, she shifts her schedule around so she can travel on the tour to make sure this experiment is going to work. Perhaps she shouldn't have hired a newbie? Maybe a veteran blogger or publicist would have been better?

"It's my pleasure," Jeffrey states, and Mandy relaxes further. Azoff seems to like her well enough, but maybe he's simply being polite?


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