19. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

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Everywhere people stare; Each and every day - The Beatles

5:38 AM, Sunday, December 12, 2021

Waking up to Chele in his arms makes him smile and wrap his arm more tightly around her, pulling her closer to him, knowing that he's going to be sad to not cuddle with her again for a while. He thought the rules in Nowhere had been insane. The way she'd made him duck down in the car makes him laugh now even though he had been angry at the time. On tour, they're not even allowed to be in the same car. Heaven forbid some tabloid should get a photo of them together. It would be the end of the world.

Then again, he understands probably better than Chele does. Set aside the idea that she could lose the job she'd coveted for so long. That alone would be devastating. What she hasn't experienced yet is the vitriol that gets fired at any woman he's photographed with socially. There have been a few women who have been exempt: Gemma, his mum, Glenne, and Hélène. Even Molly received her share of hate spewn her way after his birthday party a few years ago. The trick, perhaps, is either to have a working relationship with the woman or make the fans fall in love with the girl first.

Now that idea has merit. Her blog has become insanely popular, even garnering comments on daytime talk shows. If the fans fall for Chele, then maybe they will accept her as something more in his life. Because, let's face it, waking up alone with her in the next room or bunk just isn't his ideal tour life. Not when she could be in his bed instead.

She stirs, her braided hair shifting as she turns her head into the pillow. How he loves and misses the feel of her wavy hair when it's loose!

With a stretch of her entire body, her bum comes in contact with his morning wood. She stiffens and pulls away from him slightly.

"Ew, Harry!"

"Not my fault!" he proclaims. "And don't flatter yourself. It has nothing to do with you." Lying through his teeth, Harry struggles with the promise he's made to her. Holy fuck. He takes a deep breath, reminding himself that he's trying to break patterns from the past.

"Oh, really?" she twists in his arms until she's facing him. Using a single index finger, she traces the butterfly on his chest before drawing a circle around his nipple.

A strangled groan leaves Harry at her touch. "Well, fuck. I wasn't sexually aroused before."

"And you are now?" she blinks at him, batting her eyelashes.

"You are a tease," he growls, grabbing her hands and pinning them to the bed as he straddles her, his erection grinding into her pelvis as he lowers his head to kiss her. She opens, and he's grateful, imitating the act he will perform with her once they're fully committed. How easy it would be to just slide off her panties and take her right now? Satisfy them both. He knows it would be one of the best sexual encounters he's ever had.

"I cannot believe I'm going to be a gentleman and not take advantage," he grunts as he rolls off her, throwing his forearm over his eyes, the bedsheet bunching around his waist which means it's no longer covering Chele.

With a quick peek, he sees the top of her presumably soft thigh as it blends into the edge of her panties. Loudly groaning, he hides his face once more. Fuck. It's probably a good thing that they don't share a bed every night. Not when she looks this good.

He jumps when her hand lands atop his covered man jewels. "I know you said no sex until we're irrevocably in love, but does that mean I can't touch?" she whispers, her fingers outlining his cock through the sheets.

The sound that escapes his mouth now is a cross between a gasp and a swallow. "Chele," he croaks. "I don't have the willpower to say no. But you don't have to do this."

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now