10. Dancing on My Own

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So far away, but still so near - Calum Scott

5:32 a.m. Friday, November 19, 2021

Having tossed and turned all night long, listening to Hélène's even breathing, Chele gives up and throws aside the bed covers. As silently as possible, she dresses in her workout gear with a light jacket, marveling at how she would need much more insulation if she were back in Nowhere right now.

After lacing up her running shoes, she slides the hotel room key card into her jacket pocket. Hoping not to awaken her roommate, she carefully opens the door and exits into the hallway where she begins her warm-up routine as she walks towards the elevator. As she lunges, she ponders what hotel Harry might stay in. Does he stay where Hélène does so that they can hook up regularly? It would be awkward if the two of them were in different hotels.

Relieved that she'd never given herself to him completely, Chele feels the sting of finding out that he casually had sex with a member of his team. They're consenting adults, of course. The previous relationship between Harry and his photographer has nothing to do with Chele's connection to him. Intellectually, she gets it. Emotionally? Not so much.

In the elevator, she stretches her arms and back by using the railing as leverage as she leans back. It feels good to be moving, even though she knows she'll be exhausted later. Perhaps she can work in a nap this afternoon?

Poop on toast! Should Chele seek a new roommate? What if, even now, Harry is texting the French photographer for a booty call? Walking in on them in flagrante delicto would be worse than embarrassing. She's confident she would die on the spot. Maybe she should move back to the motel? Or ask if she can switch to the Mendes tour? Or better yet, Rihanna.

In the lobby, she zips up her jacket as she exits the doors onto the downtown LA streets. It's only after she's run a full block that it occurs to her that Harry wouldn't stay in a hotel. He has a house in LA. If he wanted sex, all he would have to do is send a car for Hélène.


9:32 a.m. Friday, November 19, 2021

The ping on his phone indicates a text from Jeffrey. Opening the message, he finds the link to the Moore on Tour blog with Chele's first piece. Settling at the counter with a kale and blueberry smoothie, Harry opens his phone and begins reading. Three sentences in, and he's impressed. Having read her work previously, he knew it would be amazing. To see it in print makes him swell with pride for her. She did it, and no one gave her a leg up. That's the part that makes him most chuffed.

As he finishes his smoothie and her post, Harry can't help but share this with the world. Opening his Twitter account, he tweets out the link with the words "What I'm reading..." Within seconds, his tweet has thousands of likes and retweets. If even half of the people who see the message actually read Chele's writing, she will have no difficulty being successful.

Great writing!

As Harry hits Send on the text message to Chele, his phone begins ringing with Jeffrey's ringtone. Sliding his finger across the bar, Harry puts the call on speaker.

"Hey. What's up?"

"You're supposed to let HSHQ post that kind of promo," Jeffrey admonishes. "There were already plans in place to roll out the blog."

Not sure if he should feel outrage or chagrin, Harry pauses for a moment before responding to his manager. "I'm not allowed to use my social media?" He asks, careful to keep his voice neutral.

Jeffrey sighs deeply. "Of course you can, H. Don't be ridiculous. You use it so rarely, though, that when you do something like this, things get a little crazy. I'm surprised that you didn't call first though."

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now