25. Tell Her No

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Don't hurt me now for her love belongs to me - The Zombies

9:48 AM, Monday, December 27, 2021

"What do you mean you're not going on Chele's outing today?" Anne's confusion regarding the current situation drives her question. Don't they spend time together on tour? "And why doesn't she stay in the same hotel as you?"

Her son's sigh is revealing. In that single expulsion of air, she fully feels his frustration. After spending time with her in Nowhere, this separation must be challenging for both of them. Additionally, it's clear that he thinks his mother doesn't understand the situation, which she admits is true. They've put themselves in a senseless mess. They want to be near each other, so why aren't they? They're so good together.

"Mum, she stays in the same hotel as the band." Harry's exasperation comes through, "That's the best I can do. Her boss had her booked at really horrible places, and it took some finagling to move her to a decent hotel. There's no way I can swing having her stay in the same lodging as me. Not on her salary. And no. I'm not going with her today. Have you forgotten who lives part-time in Chicago?"

Standing up straight, she peers at her child curiously until the answer dawns on her. "Oh. Your father. Of course. So you're visiting him today?"

Tight-lipped, Harry nods. "I promised I'd go over for lunch. He's likely got some clients he wants me to charm. Who knows with him?"

Oh.  Anne blinks.  She and Des have made their peace with each other, but Anne still feels a bit envious that Harry will be spending any time with his father.

"Give me your phone," she insists, holding out her hand, palm up.

"My phone? Why?" He pouts, and she's reminded of the childish imp he used to be. It's cute and melts her heart.

"So I can call Chele and make plans with her."

"You can't go with Chele!" He protests. "The band is going, and it will look weird if you and Chele already know each other."

Annoyed, she merely holds her hand in its same position until he places the device there. When she gestures for him to unlock it, he rolls his eyes and complies. It's not like she's going to ground him if he doesn't.  Probably.


11:04 AM, Monday, December 27, 2021

"Anne, I'd like to introduce you to Chele. She's our tour blogger," Mitch's voice carries a hint of pride that sets Hélène's teeth on edge. Meeting in the lobby of their hotel, Anne joins the band from Soho House where she's staying with Harry. As they prepare to pile into the van, Harry's maman meets the newest member of the creative group.

"It's so lovely to see you," Anne titters, embracing Chele lightly. "Thank you for letting me come along for your sightseeing."

"I think you're going to love it," Sarah comments. "It's right up your alley."

"Why do you say that?" Harry's maman wonders.

"It's outsider art. You know? Artists who are self-taught. Like that brilliant sculpture you do. Only it's in a museum," Sarah supplies the connection, and Hélène wants to kick herself. Why hadn't she remembered that Anne creates? At this rate, Harry's mére will never champion the photographer. Faire mieux, Hélène! Do better!

"Oh, you're an artist?" Chele asks, batting her eyelashes over des yeux marrons. Why is she flirting with Anne? Question stupide, Hélène reminds herself. She's already seen the longing looks the blogger makes towards Harry. Si l'auteur pense qu'elle mérite d'être amie avec la mère de Harry, elle ferait mieux de réfléchir à nouveau. The taste of jealousy rises in Hélène's throat.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now