48. Stay

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'Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving - Rihanna

6:18 PM, Tuesday, March 29, 2022

"Hélène, have you seen Harry?" Chele asks as she passes the photographer at the dining area. After trying to choke down the usually-delicious food, Chele has given up the ghost, wanting to clear the air with her boyfriend. She misses him, and everything around her is dimmer without his presence.

"Non. Je suis désolé. Perhaps il boxe?"

Since Chele had seen the trainer Derek eating his evening meal, she's confident that Harry isn't working out. Not seeing him for multiple days in a row makes her stomach ache in a way that food won't cure. Her entire body sags in defeat.

Eyes down, she shakes her head. Where could he be? Why won't he at least discuss whatever is bothering him? At a loss, she wanders to his dressing room. When she finds he's not there, she settles on the sofa for a nap, pulling Harry's softest Gucci throw over her shoulder as she closes her eyes. Breathing in the scent of him, she drifts off to sleep.


6:38 PM, Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Having spent the last couple of hours reading through Chele's blog again while hiding under the stage, Harry notices the time and heads in the direction of his dressing room. Time to shower and get ready for the show.

Fuck. He misses Chele. But it's just the way it is. Inevitable. She was always going to leave him. Always going to find someone else. The trigger, naturally, was having sex with Harry. If only he hadn't believed her when she said she loved him. The bigger question now is what is he going to do about it? His fans love her. Hell, his band is in love with her.

It's not until he's entered his dressing room and starts rummaging through his duffel to find his shower bag that he hears her soft breathing. His eyes linger on her body curled in the blanket as his heart pounds in his ears. She's here. In his space. Why?

A pain roars through his body, and he drops his duffel to clutch his stomach with both hands, doubled over in actual physical pain. Fuck. He loves her so much. The throbbing in his head grows worse, and all he can think about is escaping. Stumbling, he snatches his satchel from the floor and makes his way to the guy's dressing room. None of them are too happy with him right now, but he can shower there and go back to hiding until showtime.


8:18 PM, Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Opening her eyes, Chele spots Jeffrey tapping his foot. His arms are folded on his chest, and he is glaring at her as if she'd just stepped in dog poop and trailed it all over the expensive carpet.

"Where is he?" the manager snaps.

"I, um," she swallows, her mouth dry. "I haven't seen him."

Jeffrey points his finger at her, "Fix this, Chele. Whatever it is. Make it better." With those words, he stands up straight and storms out of the dressing room.

Rubbing her temples, Chele tries to make sense of what's happening, but her thoughts and emotions are swirling like an F5 tornado touching down in Oklahoma.


9:11 PM, Tuesday, March 29, 2022

"Where are Sarah and Mitch?" Harry asks Wendell, who politely shrugs.

"Don't know. Saw them earlier, uh..." he points with one finger back towards the dressing rooms, "that way."

Stalking in the indicated direction, Harry flings open the door to Sarah's dressing room. The couple springs apart from where their lips had been melded, and Harry feels a rush of heat that starts all the way at his toes and travels to his face. His breathing quickens. His eyes narrow. His voice hardens.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now